Kate Auletta
Senior Editor, HuffPost Culture + Parenting
- HuffPost Life
The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week
"If you wondered how my weekend is going, I had to make a rule for no corndogs in the bathroom."
- HuffPost Life
How To Raise Kids Who Understand Rejection
Grown & Flown's Lisa Heffernan talks about raising independent kids, the milestone mindset and the dreaded teenage years.
- HuffPost Life
What To Watch If You Can’t Wait For ‘This Is Us’ To Come Back
If you’re craving an ugly cry that's not related to the daily news cycle, give "I'm Sorry" or "Succession" a try.
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Trump's Election Inspired An Army Of Women To Run For Office. Meet 8 Of Them.
A year after the presidential election, women are fired up and demanding a seat at the table.
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How One Man Went From Foster Care Advocate To Dad
Tom Bauer's inspiring story shows that one person can change a child's life.
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What It's Like Being A Kid Who Has The 'Opposite Of Autism'
A new book explores a young boy's life with the rare Williams syndrome.
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HuffPost Is Looking For Retirement-Focused Freelance Writers
HuffPost is looking for freelancers to cover retirement and retirement-related lifestyle issues. At a time when people are living and working longer — retirement planning is often top of mind. HuffPost covers the latest news around aging and offering tips for being physically, emotionally and financially fit after age 50.
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Can We Stop The Mom Body Shaming, Please?
I didn't ask you to comment, so please just keep it to yourself.
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14 Questions To Ask Your Mom To Avoid Hers This Holiday Season
You might just find yourself learning something new -- and appreciating your mom that much more.
- HuffPost
The 'Battle Hymn Of The Republic' As Feminist Anthem
Why can't it be the Year Of The Woman every year?
- HuffPost Life
21 Totally Frantic Thoughts Parents Of Toddlers Have At Dinnertime
After a long day, no matter if you're a working or stay-at-home parent, dinnertime with a toddler can be a total struggle. Really, parents of kids of all ages are troopers no matter what, but there's the particular pain of dinnertime you only know if you have a toddler running around. Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today.
- HuffPost Life
One Of The Most Important Things Kids Need Is Something They Are Actually Born With
Dr. Lisa Miller is Professor of Psychology and Education and Director of the Clinical Psychology Program at Columbia University's Teachers College. In her new book, The Spiritual Child: The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving, Miller writes about how to parent with spirituality in mind. Miller's thesis is that children are born inherently spiritual, and it's how this spirituality is fostered and cared for by loved ones that helps the child to ultimately achieve a stable education, health and life of thriving.
- HuffPost
6 Gifts For High School Grads That They'll Actually Want (And Use)
Graduation season is rolling around again, and with it, the annual question of what to get for friends or relatives who are heading off to college campuses and beyond. A Netflix AccountAs much as we'd all like to hope that college students are busy studying, the reality is that they can often be found relaxing instead. Electric Tea Kettle/Brewing MachineMany students who haven't started drinking coffee before college will start once they arrive.
- HuffPost Life
Norwegian Air Will Adopt New Cockpit Rules
In light of this?week's horrific Germanwings crash, Norwegian Air is taking steps to adopt new cockpit rules. The airline will instruct all flights to have at least two crew members in the cockpit "as soon as possible," the company said in a press release. Airline spokeswoman Charlotte Holmbergh-Jacobsson told the Associated Press that the new rule, which the?airline has been thinking about for a while, will go into affect on all global flights as soon as it gets approval from the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority.
- HuffPost
London Tourist Attractions You'll Really Want To See This Summer
Here are some of our favorites. Tower Bridge Hyde Park Kensington Palace Covent Garden Cheerio, ole chap!
- HuffPost Life
The Most Secretest Of All Secretest Of Italian Isles
It's completely horrible outside and so of course you're envisioning your summer retreat, wherever that may be. Be it?Greece?or Italy (or anywhere else on the continent for that matter), summer is a?great time to go to Europe, and Italy is a prime spot for many Americans. OR you could go a world away to Pantelleria, which sits between Sicily and Tunisia but is actually closer to the latter.
- HuffPost Life
17 Things You Didn't Know About Disneyland
There are a ton of?secrets Disneyland keeps close to the vest, but that doesn't stop the park from being the happiest place on earth. Whether you're an experienced mouse hunter or new to the Disneyland grind, the park offers tons of hidden corners, attractions and quirks that remain invisible to the untrained eye. Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today.