Sharon Weinberger is the DC bureau chief for Yahoo News. Previously, she was an executive editor at Foreign Policy magazine, and before that, the national security editor at The Intercept. Her third book, published in 2017 by Knopf, is The Imagineers of War: The Untold Story of DARPA, the Pentagon Agency That Changed the World. She has held fellowships at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, MIT’s Knight Science Journalism program, the International Reporting Program at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. She has written on military science and technology for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Financial Times, Wired magazine, Nature, BBC, Discover, and Slate, among other publications.
- Yahoo News
Report: Intelligence community divided on whether COVID originated naturally or from lab leak
Various agencies still don’t agree on whether the pandemic likely began due to a laboratory incident in Wuhan, China, or was caused by a natural crossover from animals to humans.
- Yahoo News
Behind the U.S. military's 'complicated history' around vaccinations
Last week, President Biden raised eyebrows when he announced that federal civilian workers would be required to be vaccinated against COVID-19, or face measures such as frequent testing, yet didn’t extend that mandate to members of the military.
- Yahoo News
FBI warns state, local police about China targeting people on U.S. soil
The warning concerns China’s long-standing policy of reaching beyond its borders to target people it accuses of financial crimes, even if they are permanently living abroad.
- Yahoo News
The secret, troubled history of the military's 'pain ray' weapon
NPR reported Wednesday that a senior military police officer had asked about the possibility of obtaining the nonlethal weapons to use against protesters near the White House in early June.
- Yahoo News
Leaked CDC document contradicts Pence claim that U.S. coronavirus cases 'have stabilized'
Even as Vice President Mike Pence wrote that U.S. coronavirus cases "have stabilized," the CDC circulated a document warning that infections have increased more than 18 percent.
- Yahoo News
'These prisoners are tinderboxes of infection': How a Midwestern county became the center of one of fastest-growing coronavirus outbreaks in the U.S.
Driven by an exploding number of cases among inmates at the Marion Correctional Institution, Marion County, Ohio, which has a population of less than 70,000 according to the last census, has registered a more than 2,500 percent increase in the past seven days.
- Yahoo News
When will there be a coronavirus vaccine — and who will get it first??
One of the central questions for resolving the COVID-19 crisis is how long it will take to develop a vaccine.
- Yahoo News
As Cuba medical mystery deepens, State Department turns to new scientific panel for answers
After two years of being stymied in the matter of the embassy incidents in Cuba, the State Department is turning to a new panel of scientists to investigate the cause, according to a document obtained by Yahoo News.
- Yahoo News
Facebook launches Portal video-chat device from once-secret Building 8 ?
Facebook is introducing a new product, Portal, a device that will compete with Amazon’s Echo.
- Yahoo News
Scientists say ‘neuroweapons’ were behind Cuba attacks
Four scientists shared new research on “neuroweapons” in a Pentagon-sponsored teleconference on Friday.