100 Years of Russian Beauty [Video]

From prima ballerina Anna Pavlova to fighter pilot Nadia Popova to punk band Pussy Riot, Russia has been home to some of the fiercest and most groundbreaking women in history, and Cut.com paid homaged to these women with their latest video in the viral 100 Years of Beauty series. The past 100 years in Russian history were tumultuous, with overthrown governments and foreign influences, and their beauty trends reflected these changing ideals. Mike Gaston of Cut.com tells Yahoo Beauty that in the 1940s, for example, patriotism was seen as a sign of beauty, with Popova modeling the highest form of beauty in her fighter plane. While Russia’s elite women are much more well known for their high-glam and high-maintenance beauty looks these days, Cut.com references Pussy Riot at the end of its video, reminding us that in spite of the efforts of these powerful women in history, there is still a lot to be done in terms of women’s rights.

Watch the first seven videos if you’re new to this educational (and inspirational) series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.


100 Years of Fitness in 100 Seconds

100 Years of Korean Beauty, North and South

100 Years of Black Beauty in Under a Minute