Caitlin Leach Lost 100 Pounds: ‘Fitness and Living Healthy Have Become the New Norm for Me’

Weight-Loss Win is an original Yahoo series that shares the inspiring stories of people who have shed pounds healthfully.

Caitlin Leach is 30, 5 feet 9 inches tall, and currently weighs 150 pounds. In 2016, after reaching her highest weight and suffering a health scare, she made a pact with her sister to get healthy together. This is the story of her weight-loss journey.

The Turning Point

Growing up and throughout my 20s, my weight fluctuated. In grade school I was athletic, but still a little chubby. I let bullying and media get the best of me, and suffered with anorexia/bulimia in high school, weighing a mere 100 pounds at graduation. Hearing my doctor say I may never have kids made me change, and I began working out normally. I stayed fairly healthy through my 20s, but then things changed again. In 2013 my mom was diagnosed with cancer, and I was in an abusive relationship. I didn’t focus on myself, worked more hours, became depressed and unconfident, and eventually found myself in a very dark place. My weight reached its highest point, at 260 pounds. I spent a week in the hospital because I lost feeling in my face, and my eye was dropping. After being an idiopathic case, and hearing that my carotids were 40% blocked, I knew something had to change. On April 21, 2016, the first anniversary of my mom’s death, my sister and I made a pact to get healthy together.

The Changes

The beginning was hard. I’m an athlete by trade, so I wanted to dive right in, and I wanted this change badly. I started working with a trainer two days a week, but made sure to do some kind of cardio on my own too. I had no endurance whatsoever! I started walking at an incline, and made sure to break a sweat. I used MyFitnessPal to track my food. My trainer told me I should focus on eating high protein, low fat, low carb. On Sundays and Thursdays I prepared meals, weighed out and measured all my food, and made sure I was set up so I wouldn’t fail! It took a lot of time out of the day, but I knew it would be beneficial in the long run. Once I started noticing the changes in my body, and the weight coming off, I was ecstatic! I turned to social media to document my journey, and the motivation and encouragement I received from others was amazing!

The After

It is now nine months later, and I stand here feeling the happiest and healthiest I have ever felt in my entire life! I have lost 100 pounds and more than 60 inches off my body. I am still on my journey, but now with different goals in mind. My goal for this year is to compete in a figure competition. I want to prove to myself that I can succeed and be confident in my body.

The Maintenance

Today I have a very healthy relationship with food and with working out. I try to eat five or six times a day — about every three hours. I learned that fueling your body with small meals keeps your metabolism in check. I go to the gym before work in the morning, as it gets me in a great mood to start my day. My sister is still on this journey with me, and she and I push each other to keep going and stay motivated. I also post a lot on Instagram too, at catertotsfit. I am hopeful that posts inspire and motivate people, and encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle. It is not an easy journey to embark on, but with the right people in your corner, you can do it!

The Struggles

I still struggle with insecurities and my confidence. Every day I remind myself of how far I have come on this journey and that I am beautiful. Fitness and living healthy have become the new norm for me.


The best advice I can offer someone is to stay positive. Make small goals and celebrate each goal. Also, no matter how hard you fall down, remember that how high you rise is what sets you apart. Lastly, simply believe in yourself! If you don’t believe in you, no one else will!

Need more inspiration? Read about our other weight-loss winners!

Weight-Loss Win is authored by Andie Mitchell, who underwent a transformative, 135-pound weight loss of her own. All photos courtesy of Caitlin Leach.

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