Chef Sam Talbot's Ultimate Smoothie Recipe

Photo by Ben Ritter

We all need a little extra boost to get us through a hectic day—and it doesn’t hurt if said boost is delivered by a particularly hot chef. New York-based chef Sam Talbot (you know him from season two of Bravo’s Top Chef), whipped up a delicious smoothie on the set of a recent Yahoo Beauty photo shoot.

The drink, packed with nutrient dense ingredients, also delivers a long list of beauty benefits. Antioxidant-rich blueberries and vitamin E-stuffed almonds promote glowing skin; Banana adds in 400 mg of potassium to aid with blood pressure and heart health. Talbot also threw in a handful of ingredients found in the vitamin aisle including E3Live, which Talbot claims offers over 65 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids, and spirulina, which he says is, “one of the richest and most complete food sources with over a 100 types of nutrients to help boost energy, maintain health, and reduce weight.” Hemp seeds top it off; their essential amino acids play a key role in the development of lean body mass and muscular repair. The recipe, below!

Photo by Ben Ritter


1 banana

1 scoop of spirulina

A shot of E3Live

4 tablespoons of hemp seeds

1 ? cups of blueberries

1 date chopped

1 tablespoon almond butter

? cup of coconut milk

? cup of unsweetened almond milk

1 tablespoon of date or coconut sugar

A sprinkle of Himalayan sea salt

Throw all of the ingredients in a blender and mix. Add water if it’s too thick, or try freezing the banana to make it thicker. Enjoy!

This article originally appeared on Yahoo Beauty.