How To Drink More Water

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The human body is about 66 percent water — so it’s no surprise that H2O is vital to our daily health and functioning. While there’s not an exact amount of water a person has to drink every day (that whole “eight glasses a day” thing is a myth developed by bottled water companies), there’s no questioning staying hydrated is hugely important to ensuring our bodies are running smoothly.


Our bodies are able to go without food for weeks, but we’d die within days without water. While access to safe drinking water isn’t exactly a widespread issue here in the U.S., that doesn’t mean everyone drinks enough of it. Do you battle with chronic fatigue or constipation? Not drinking enough water could be the cause. Dehydration can also cause headaches, and when severe, it can lead to more life-threatening problems like kidney failure and brain swelling.

Another problem with not drinking enough water: We often confuse thirst for hunger, prompting us to eat when we’re actually thirsty — thereby promoting weight gain. And when we are thirsty, we don’t always reach for plain old H2O — we reach for caloric, sugary drinks like soda, alcohol, and juice.

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But drinking water shouldn’t just be about avoiding the bad stuff — it also promotes good stuff, like keeping skin beautiful and moisturized. Plus, research shows it could even help with weight loss: One study found that overweight people who drank 16 ounces of water (the amount in a regular water bottle) before meals lost more weight than people who didn’t partake in the practice.


So you want to drink more water, but are so bored by the taste — or lack thereof. Fortunately, “there are many ways to mix it up,” certified holistic health coach Becky Tountas tells Yahoo Health. ”Try adding cucumber slices, berries, or lemon to water for flavoring.”

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If you’re more tech-savvy, try using an app like Waterlogged, which tracks your daily water intake. Or simply try putting a reminder in your phone or email to remind you to drink more water, Tountas suggests. Making it a visible goal will help to keep you on track.

Easy access is also key: Get a large bottle to have with you at all times and fill it each morning. Make a point to finish it by the end of the day. By taking sips throughout the day, it will seem less daunting than downing glasses of water at a time.

Finally! You Can… is a Yahoo Health series empowering you to achieve your wellness goals — once and for all. 

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