This Laser Combo Will Transform Your Skin


I'm always researching new ways to improve the look of my skin without resorting to the semi-hard stuff (injectables). When it comes to smoothing wrinkles, reducing pore size, and evening out my complexion, nothing I've tried works better than my two new favorite treatments, Laser Genesis and Palomar Lux 1540 XF and XD.

Laser Genesis at Kate Somerville Skin Clinic

Laser Genesis is a noninvasive laser treatment designed to target fine lines, acne scars, large pores, and uneven skin tone by heating the upper dermis of your skin, which accelerates collagen regrowth. I love the idea of having fewer wrinkles and smaller pores without using injectables-who doesn't?-so I decided to try Laser Genesis for myself. Here's what went down.

Step 1: Before starting my treatment, an aesthetician thoroughly cleansed my face. This felt wonderful. She did a double cleansing routine along with a steam session to open up my pores. After a few minutes the RN came in. She was lovely and explained everything that was about to happen. First she would evaluate my skin under the microscope. For me she prescribed a series of six sessions that would span the next six months.

Step 2: Next up was the laser. The machine was big and intimidating but the actual tool that she used was quite small and quiet. We all had to wear blackout goggles to protect our eyes from the laser. She first started on my cheeks before moving to my chin, then around the other side of my face and nose, and she ended with the forehead. Apparently the forehead is the most sensitive (which I can attest to).

Step 3: The experience of the laser was nice. It warmed up quite a bit but it wasn't unbearable. I actually enjoyed the heated sensation. I did notice a bit of a burning smell, but she assured me that my skin wasn't actually burning-it was just my peach fuzz.

After: My skin looked flawless. I noticed a few of my old acne scars had lightened up, my skin felt tighter, and my pores looked much smaller. I do recommend the full series of treatments. After one I looked good; I can't imagine after six! I think this treatment works best for preventative measures, women in their twenties and thirties with minor wrinkles or sun spots, nothing too serious.

Palomar Lux 1540 XF and XD

Laser Genesis left me wanting more. I decided to try a stronger laser with cosmetic dermatologist Ben Talei at the Beverly Hills Center for Plastic Surgery. We went with the Palomar Lux 1540 XF and XD. According to Talei, the XD laser improves pores, fine lines, acne, and stretch marks. The XF laser helps with melasma and superficial resurfacing. I would definitely recommend this treatment to women who have cystic acne scars, deep wrinkles, redness, and very large pores.

Step 1: Before we began, Talei applied a numbing ointment to ease any discomfort during treatment.

Step 2: Next he fired up the laser, once again big and intimidating! This tool had more of a grid-like pattern. He placed the laser on my face and went around it in small sections. The initial zap was startling but I eventually got used to it. This laser was much more intense than the Laser Genesis treatment. I can describe the sensation as feeling like a hot rubber band popping on my skin.

After: I was really red and my skin was quite irritated. Talei gave me a few ice packs to take home, which I took complete advantage of. Over the next few days I remained red and a bit inflamed. This treatment has the same downtime as a chemical peel but no peeling. After the first week my skin was plump, smooth, and glorious! This laser is nice because you can do as little as one treatment all the way to five depending on what you're going for.

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