Stop Microscoping!


Women are constantly telling me what they don’t like about themselves.  They point out the little flaws—a wrinkle here, an “imperfection” there. Usually I don’t see anything, but perception can turn little things into big giant obsessions. The truth is, if you look too closely you’re seeing imperfections that no one else is seeing but you. Truly, no one notices.  Who cares if your tummy is big one day or you have a pimple? No one. Everyone is too busy with their own stuff.

The trick is to step back.  Don’t overanalyze. And don’t get too close to the mirror, a foot or two away is just fine. Definitely don’t buy one of those magnifying mirrors—talk about a distorted view of reality. When I look in the mirror and I notice something I’m not wild about, I try to counter it with focusing on something I do like. I'd much rather my last thought is something positive. Try it. It works. You have much more important things to focus on.

XO Bobbi