Tia Mowry Claps Back at Body Shamer by Tagging Her Bully's Employer

She got her facts wrong, but the move was still bold. ?

From Cosmopolitan

When former Sister, Sister star and cooking show host Tia Mowry posted to Instagram a photo of herself looking ~*fInE~*, a troll who went by the handle @miekk_ (but has since deleted her profile) left an obnoxious comment on the post: "Getting fat."

Instead of ignoring or deleting the unsolicited feedback, Tia totally called @miekk_ out with a screenshot of the comment and an epic clapback:

Tia wrote in her caption:

I don't normally do this, but I wanted to prove a point. I just posted a few days ago about embracing and uplifting others about body image. Here, @miekk_felt the need to say I was getting fat. I took a look at your profile and I was sad to see that you WORK for YOUNG African American girls aiding in their studies. I hope this isn't what you would tell your girls? Does your BOSS know that this is how you degrade other WOMAN? @hbcutravelers Internet BULLYING is not cool and it needs to stop. Would you say this to my face? Is this how you speak to yourself when YOU look at yourself in the mirror. Again, I'm shining a light on this issue hoping to see change. Love and uplift! This is not just about me getting called fat. This isn't just about me. I could care less! I'm standing up for the people that like to hide behind computers cyber bulling calling many gay, skinny, slut, ugly, fat, the list goes on and on. Cyber bullying needs to stop!

In what could have been a boss move, Tia did a little research and deduced that her Internet bully worked for HBCU Travelers, a nonprofit organization that encourages young African-American women to travel. Because critiquing a woman's body contradicts the mission of any organization created to empower women, employing a fat shamer can be construed as hypocritical. Tia tagged the organization to draw attention to their employee's behavior.

HBCU Travelers responded with a post of their own, which sympathizes with Tia, but also highlights her factual error: @miekk_ doesn't work for said organization, after all.

"The young lady you mentioned does not work for our organization, but was a supporter of our mission," HBCU Travelers wrote. "It saddens me that she made the negative remark. We will be sure to use this incident to stand out against negativity!"

Regardless of who works for whom, Tia's approach was actually pretty genius - and a reminder to use the boss test - "What would my boss say if she saw this?" - before you post something mean online.

Assholes, you've been warned.

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