YB Loves: The Secret to Gisele-Like Legs


Michael Kors Leg Shine adds a summery, scented sheen to skin (Photo: Michael Kors)

Each day the editors of Yahoo Beauty are sharing one noteworthy product we feel should be on your radar. From the latest and greatest items that land on our desks to indie products with a cool backstory to the old standbys that have earned a permanent place on our vanities, trust us: you’ll want to check them out.

Is there anything better than rediscovering one of your favorite things you completely forgot about? Flashback to 2002 when I was a college student interning in the beauty department at Jane magazine (RIP) and my lifelong obsession for products was fully actualized. Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez were dominating the radio and MTV’s TRL, and body bronzing was the new trend (think of it like contouring for your limbs and abs). But one product stood out to me amongst all the others: Michael Kors Leg Shine ($32). It came in a fancy deodorant-like stick and added the most subtle, tinted shimmer to legs, arms, décolleté, or anywhere else you wanted a little highlight. The bronze factor was minimal — barely detectable even my approaching alabaster skin — but the shimmer was luminous. The best part: Anywhere you applied leg shine was kissed with the scent of the designer’s delicious signature fragrance.

I turned all my friends on to Leg Shine, went through about five tubes on my own, and somewhere along the lines I forgot to restock this wonder product. When unveiling my pasty legs a few weeks ago I thought to myself, “I wish they still made Leg Shine!” But it turns out they do, they never stopped, and now it is mine once again. A quick swipe on my legs (and everywhere else exposed to the public) still gives the perfect subtle shimmer I adore. And on the nostalgia front, the scent reminds me of carefree summers and exciting nights out with friends — experiences I’ll happily relive every time I apply this stick. Now I make sure to have have a back-up.


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