15 Largest Ecommerce Companies in the World

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In this article we take a look at the 15 Largest Ecommerce Companies in the world. Click to skip ahead and jump to the 5 Largest Ecommerce Companies in the world.

As the Covid-19 pandemic has fueled ecommerce to take the forefront in retailing, are you wondering which are the largest e-commerce companies in the world, that are taking the lead in the entire industry? 2020 has been a rather interesting year for industries where certain industries have struggled to keep the margin up, while others have smoothly ridden the wave of changes for their advantage. The perfect example for an industry which has catered to the peculiar demand trend amidst the lockdowns all across the world, by providing the world the means to stay connected, is the communications technology industry. Zoom Video Communications (NASDAQ:ZM) is a classic case study where revenues doubled just as the pandemic hit, as more and more people shifted to online communications and workplaces turned remote overnight.

E-commerce has been yet another industry that received an unexpected boom with the lockdowns becoming effective worldwide, and with massive change in consumer behavior. As traditional retailing took the hit, e-commerce emerged as the preferred buyer market. E-commerce saw an amazing 129% YOY growth in the US alone, and it is expected that the segment will comprise over 14% of the entire retail industry in 2020, marking the biggest increase in online retail ever. As consumers worldwide are shifting to the online mode of buying, the consumer base of the e-commerce segment has increased more than ever before. The folks that preferred in-store buying have now, because of the lockdown, looked for more online purchases as this mode provides much more convenience in these unprecedented times. The result - the widening of sales from regular customers as well as added new customers to the existing consumer base. It is unlikely that the e-commerce segment will lose these new customers once the pandemic is over, as the initiation into online buying has already taken place. It is unlikely that people will stop online buying even after the pandemic is over, at least not immediately.

The biggest gainers in this unforeseen situation have been the largest e-commerce companies in the world. The biggest companies have taken the biggest piece of pies it seems. With already established consumer bases, brand image and robust logistics in place, these companies have successfully reaped the benefits of the change. Amazon Inc, is likely to see a 28% to 38% sales growth in 2020 than the previous year, which is quite an astounding growth figure.