20 Questions With Sasha Alex Sloan: ‘I Blame The World,’ Navigating the Pandemic & Her Disney Karaoke Jam

I Blame The World, Sasha Alex Sloan’s second full-length, is the type of pop showcase worth getting excited about: four years after her first EP and two years after debut album Only Child, the Boston native has grown by leaps and bounds as a vocalist and songwriter on the new LP, due Friday (May 13) on RCA Records. The vivid, prodding recent single “New Normal” best demonstrates Sloan’s newfound confidence as she navigates the aftermath of a breakup, while other sections of the album lean harder on guitar arrangements and nihilistic imagery, as if the singer-songwriter is finally ready to tear apart the confounding world around her.

After performing the album’s title track on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last month, Sloan will embark on a North American tour beginning on July 21 in Minneapolis. Ahead of the new album and tour, she answered Billboard’s 20 questions on her musical upbringing, favorite tearjerker and the road that led to I Blame The World.

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1. What’s the first piece of music that you bought for yourself, and what was the medium?

I bought a Queen chord book when I was about 10. I was and still am obsessed with Queen. I started playing the songs on piano.

2. What was the first concert you saw?

Britney Spears and it was iconic.

3. How did your parents influence your taste in music?

My mom was a huge influence on my taste. She was always playing Jewel, Brandi Carlile and Regina Spektor around the house.

4. What made you realize you could be an artist full-time?

I’m not sure there was ever a moment where realized I could do it full-time, it happened very gradually. I’m a grower not a shower as I say, lol.

5. What’s at the top of your professional bucket list?


6. How did your hometown/city shape who you are?

I think where I grew up it was common to settle down in the same area, and there is nothing wrong with that, but I think it made me realize I wanted to explore more of the world and take more risks for better or worse, lol.

7. What’s the last song you listened to?

“Don’t Tell The Boys” by Petey.

8. If you could see any artist in concert, dead or alive, who would it be?

Amy Winehouse.

9. How has the pandemic affected your creative process?

I think it has equally helped and hurt my creative process. The nice thing about it was there was nothing else to do but create, but I think that’s also what made it hard at times.

10. When did you begin working on the songs that would eventually comprise, I Blame The World?

I began working on them right after I released my first album. Since I couldn’t go on tour, I decided, why not dive into the next project? It started off more folky, but as I continued to work on it, it became what it is today.

11. What was the biggest difference in your creative approach from Only Child to the new album?

I would say Only Child was a collection of songs I really liked but there wasn’t a cohesive theme. With I Blame The World, I made a conscious effort to create a world in which all the songs made sense together. Having that approach from the beginning I think helped make the album feel more whole compared to Only Child.

12. Singles like “WTF” and the title track include some scorched-earth imagery. What have been the fan reactions to the songs so far?

I think it’s been good! Lol I really wanted this album to be lyrically heavy while sonically creating a fun vibe so I hope it’s translating to fans.

13. What was the hardest song on the album to write?

“I H8 Myself.” It’s a song I’ve been trying to write for a long time. I think I ended up rewriting it six times because the tone of it had to be right and I wasn’t nailing it, but I love the version that made the album.

14. In between album releases, you worked with artists like Sam Hunt, Martin Garrix and G-Eazy. Who’s your dream collaborator?

I think my dream collaborator would be Brandon Flowers or Regina Spektor.

15. Which song on the new album are you most excited to start playing live?

I think “I Blame The World” will be really fun live.

16. What’s your karaoke go-to?

“Part Of Your World” from The Little Mermaid.

17. What’s one thing your most devoted fans don’t know about you?

I’m obsessed with cream cheese lol.

18. What movie, or song, always makes you cry?

Forrest Gump.

19. What do you hope to accomplish by the end of 2022?

I hope to have more fans and play bigger venues!

20. What’s one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?

Chill out and don’t stress over what people think about you.

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