I Genuinely Can't Watch The First Two "Agatha All Along" Episodes The Same Way Again After Noticing These Easter Eggs And Details

?? There are obviously MASSIVE spoilers ahead for Agatha All Along Episode 1 and Episode 2, as well as WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness! ??

1.First, Episode 1 begins with "Agnes," aka Agatha, humming the Witches' Road song that is heard for the first time at the end of Episode 2.

Kathryn Hahn, wearing a coat, is looking contemplative while driving a car
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2.When Agnes brings a cup of coffee, a detective, aka Dave/Herb from WandaVision, greets her with, "Hey, neighbor." Of course, this is a nod to Herb being Agatha's neighbor in Westview.

Police officers investigate a forest road crime scene with blocked traffic in two images. An officer hands a person a cup of coffee
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3.While on their way to look at Jane Doe's body, Herb mentions that the body has been crushed by something heavy, with Agnes adding that she didn't die here. This is a nod to Wanda's "death" in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness when she's seemingly crushed to death at Mount Wundagore.

Herb and Agnes standing over a body in a scene from "Agatha All Along." Herb mentions the victim was crushed

"Agnes" even hints that Jane Doe might not really be dead, pointing to popular theories that my girl Wanda Maximoff is, in fact, still alive.

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4.Jane Doe's fingertips are black, which is exactly what Wanda and Agatha's fingers looked like when they used the power of the Darkhold.

Top: A lifeless hand in the dirt. Bottom: Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch looking into broken glass, wearing a crown and a dark red costume
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5.Similar to WandaVision, Episode 1 pays tribute to iconic TV shows, but this time, drama series. This first episode is a nod to Mare of Easttown and The Killing. In fact, the opening credits mention this is based on a Danish series, which is the same as The Killing.

Text reads: "Based on the Danish series Wandavisdysen" followed by "Agnes of Westview"

The Killing was based on the Danish series Forbrydelsen, similar to what is shown in these opening credits.

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6.In the opening credits, the score of 14 to 14 might be a nod to the comic book Fantastic Four Annual Issue #14 (1969), which featured Agatha Harkness.

A scoreboard displays Westview 14, Eastview 14 with 2:26 left. It shows 'Home of the Blue Devils' and 'Dottie Jones' text in the center

In the comic, Agatha invites the Fantastic Four to Salem.

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7.The man who peers at Agnes through the bookshelves, saying there was a fire, was also the mailman in WandaVision.

The top shows a man peering through books on a shelf. The bottom shows a mailman walking on a suburban street

8.In Agnes's office, you can see that there is a plant on her desk one minute, then a picture of a small child the next. More on the child, Nicholas Scratch, later on, but this is also a great little nod that Agnes's fake detective world is cracking, like what was happening to Wanda in WandaVision, too.

Kathryn Hahn in an office, dressed in a casual jacket. She is looking over her shoulder in the top image and facing away while organizing files in the bottom image
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9.When the chief, aka Harold/Phil from WandaVision, says that the soil under Jane Doe's nails is from Eastern Europe, which is another nod to Wanda's "death" in Multiverse of Madness.

The Chief in "Agatha All Along" explaining to Agnes that sediment from Eastern Europe was found on a victim

Sokovia, where Wanda is from, is also located in Central-Southeastern Europe.

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10.When Vidal leaves Agnes's office, she says, "Te veo," which means "I see you." She says it again later in the episode when she leaves after confronting Agatha after the spell is broken

Aubrey Plaza in a suit holding a folder talks to Kathryn Hahn in a plaid shirt in an office setting. An American flag is visible in the background
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11.The pendant Agnes finds at the crime scene and later asks Norm to examine is a notable part of Agatha Harkness's costume from the Marvel comic books. Norm even mentions it's probably from late 17th century New England, aka when the Salem witch trials took place.

Close-up of an antique cameo pendant in someone's hand, followed by a scene of Norm inspecting the pendant in a pawn shop with text: "North American. New England, maybe. Late 17th century, I guess. It's made from cowrie shell."
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12.The first letters of the book's title from the library card found on Jane Doe's body spell out "DARKHOLD," which Agnes was about to figure out. The author's name, Andrew Ugo, is an anagram for "Wundagore," aka the mountain where Wanda "died" and where the Darkhold was created.

Close-up of a notebook entry titled "Dialogue And Rhetoric: Known History Of Learning & Debate" by Andrew Ugo, with a hand writing "DARKH" below it
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13.In the Marvel comics, Nicholas Scratch was Agatha's son. Agatha notably left Nicholas behind to venture out into the world, which is when she became a nanny for Franklin Richards. Yes, the Fantastic Four's Sue and Reed Richards's son. Nicholas becomes a powerful sorcerer and villain and ultimately leads New Salem.

A wooden rabbit stands by a plaque awarded to Nicholas Scratch for First Place in Best Vocals, Children’s Concert Choir. Kathryn Hahn looks tearful in closeup

Nicholas Scratch has also been used as a name for the Devil in many popular stories.

I'm assuming the lock of hair inside Agatha's locket belongs to Nicholas, too.

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14.The painting that Agnes sees while interrogating Teen is a depiction of Macbeth and the Three Witches. This particular painting looks like the one created by Francesco Zuccarelli.

Two scenes from a TV show: Top - two people discussing papers in an interrogation room with computer monitors showing data. Bottom - a framed painting on a wall

Reportedly, the painting "represents the decisive moment when Macbeth, together with Banquo, meets the three witches who announce that he will be King."

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15.The dates seen on the library card also hold a meaning. Feb. 16 is Elizabeth Olsen's birthday. Meanwhile, Aug. 28 is Marvel comic book artist Jack Kirby's birthday, and Stan Lee's birthday is Dec. 28. The duo created the Scarlet Witch. And then, June 2 was the date Bridget Bishop was the first person to be tried and convicted of witchcraft in Salem.

Library card from the Westview Branch signed by Wanda Maximoff, with check-out dates: Feb 16, Aug 28, Jun 02, Dec 28, Jan 21, Oct 13

It's also Kevin Feige's birthday and the date of Agnes and Ralph's anniversary in WandaVision.

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16.In the basement, we get to see Agatha's bunny, Se?or Scratchy, from WandaVision. Notably, Wanda used the bunny during her magic act in Episode 2.

Kathryn Hahn in a floral robe holds a fluffy white rabbit in a dimly lit room, seated in front of a washing machine

17.Vidal tells Agatha that the Salem Seven are coming for her now, and we see them in Episode 2 as they arrive in Westview. In the comics, Salem's Seven is made up of Nicholas Scratch's children. They become enemies with the Scarlet Witch and the Fantastic Four.

A close-up of Rio Vidal telling Agatha, "The worst of them. The Salem Seven"
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18.In Agatha All Along Episode 2, when Agatha and Teen walk through Westview, they stop where Wanda and Vision's house used to be. The foundation has "evil witch" and the Scarlet Witch's symbol spray-painted on it.

Two scenes from a movie: The first shows a person in a hat facing a dilapidated area with graffiti. The second shows Wanda Maximoff standing near an old house

I'll stick with calling Joe Locke's character Teen, but he HAS to be Billy Kaplan/Billy Maximoff.

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19.While assembling the coven, Agatha and Teen meet Lilia Calderu. In the Marvel comics, Lilia is a powerful witch with ties to Wanda Maximoff. Wanda was brought to Lilia by her aunt/adoptive mother, Marya Maximoff.

Kathryn Hahn, Joe Locke, and Patti LuPone in a scene from "Agatha All Along," with Patti looking into a crystal ball as Kathryn and Joe listen
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20.Three is an important number in Agatha All Along so far. There is the Triple Goddess, who are prominent in Wiccan lore, on Agatha's locket, and then when Agatha shows Lilia her eviction notice, it says, "Three Star Rentals" on it.

Close-up of hands holding a pendant. Below, Kathryn Hahn in period clothing, looking at another person, holding papers. Text: "EVICTIO..."

The painting Agatha is staring at also features three witches.

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21.Jennifer Kale is also a notable character from the Marvel comics. She is one of the most notorious magic users in the Marvel universe and was notably in comics alongside Man-Thing. And yes, because this is Agatha All Along, Jennifer does come into contact with Wanda in the comics, too.

A close-up of Sasheer Zamata in "Agatha All Along" wearing a button-down top and larger earrings
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22.Jennifer makes a joke that Teen might be another "child sacrifice" for Agatha. I'm guessing this might be related to her son, Nicholas Scratch. If I were to guess, Agatha sacrificed her son for magic, which would be another reason she saw so much of herself in Wanda, who created a family with magic.

Jennifer, in "Agatha All Along," asks a startled Agatha, "Who is this? Another child sacrifice?"
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23.And Alice Wu-Gulliver is another Marvel comic book character. In the comics, Alice and Wanda investigate Dark Tongji, a powerful magician, together. Alice goes by the alias "The Wu," and like the show's depiction, she's also a cop.

A close-up of Ali Ahn as Alice Wu-Gulliver. She has streaks of different colored hair
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24.After Agatha knocks down Teen's "Welcome Coven" sign, only the "W" stays up. Y'all, like I said, I am 100% certain Teen is actually Billy Maximoff, aka Wiccan, so I am counting this as an Easter egg.

Teen from "Agatha All Along" hanging a banner that says, "Welcome Coven," then just the "W" remains on the wall

You can spot the painting from earlier on the wall here, too.

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25.While Agatha ropes Sharon Davis, aka Mrs. Hart, into joining the coven for the Witches' Road, the black heart on the list of coven members, I'm assuming, actually means Rio Vidal. Considering, she made a point to mention her black heart in Episode 1, too.

Rio Vidal telling Agatha, "It's black. And it beats for you," vs. Lilia Calderu telling everyone that there was a black heart on a piece of paper

In WandaVision, a black heart was also on Wanda and Vision's calendar, signifying they were having dinner with the Harts in Episode 1.

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26.Now, I don't know if this was on purpose, but the Witches' Road song being filmed with the coven in a circle after Sharon says she doesn't do drugs would be an incredible reference to the basement scenes from That '70s Show, which Debra Jo Rupp notably starred in.

A close-up of Kathryn Hahn as Agatha Harkness vs. Eric Foreman in the basement in a scene from "That '70s Show"
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27.And finally, the Witches' Road is significant in a run of Scarlet Witch comics that are highly regarded as some of the best Marvel comics. The Witches' Road storyline is from the Scarlet Witch comics from 2015 and follows Wanda Maximoff, who journeys across the globe to try to fix broken witchcraft.

The cast of "Agatha All Along" preparing to walk through a dark forest

The run of comics featuring the Witches' Road was written by James Robinson. Literally, Issue #1 of this comic book run hangs on the wall in my apartment, so I am simply giddy with anticipation.

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Did you catch any other Easter eggs or cool details? Have a better theory for one mentioned above? Tell us everything in the comments below!

More on "Agatha All Along"