37 Times People Messed Up On Movie Sets And Accidentally Created Pure Magic

1.In Knives Out, the ending shot — where Marta drinks from a cup that says "my house, my rules, my coffee" — was unplanned. Director Rian Johnson called it "kind of ... a happy accident." He said, "I knew I wanted her to like sip tea in the final shot, and I had had separately the idea of 'My house, my rules, my coffee,' as that first shot in the movie — after that first big dramatic shot of the house, breaking the tension with kind of a goofy modern joke mug." He then came up with bringing the mug back at the end, and as they were filming, he asked Ana to take a sip of tea – realizing that the words "my house" perfectly came into frame.

Jamie Lee Curtis and Ana de Armas in scenes from a movie. In the second and third panels, Ana de Armas is holding and drinking from a mug. Background includes other people

2.In Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, Peg was supposed to smash the glass wheel — but she accidentally did it before she was supposed to. There was only one glass wheel, and director Rian Johnson was explaining how she'd only have one chance when Jessica Henwick actually dropped it and looked into the camera in terror at what she'd done. Luckily, they were already filming, and her real panic ended up being perfect: "That's the take that's in the movie," Johnson revealed.

Three-panel sequence showing a person with short hair breaking a glass sculpture. In panel one, they hold the sculpture up. In panel two, it drops. In panel three, they look shocked

3.In Home Alone, Kevin was supposed to move his hands from his face before his iconic scream. However, on the first take, he kept his hands on his face, and director Chris Columbus and editor Raja Gosnell thought it was hilarious and kept it in.

Macaulay Culkin in a memorable scene from "Home Alone," with hands on his cheeks and mouth open in shock
20th Century Fox

4.In The Hateful Eight, Kurt Russel smashed an antique 150-year-old guitar (it was supposed to be swapped out before they actually filmed the smashing), causing Jennifer Jason Leigh to shout in shock and turn towards the camera, as she knew they hadn't swapped it yet. Her panicked reaction was real, and it was kept in the film. "It ended up being great for the scene, but very sad for the guitar, and for my guitar teacher, and for me," Leigh later said.

Kristoff, wearing a thick fur coat, interacts with Anna inside a cozy wooden cabin filled with various tools and shelves in a scene from Disney's Frozen

Suggested by daynam4b6e28fa3

The Weinstein Company

5.Harrison Ford's character in The Fugitive had a limp because Ford actually tore a ligament in his knee early into filming and refused to get it treated. The limp ended up adding to the realism and tension.

Harrison Ford, in an intense scene from a movie, walks inside a dimly lit location, wearing a coat over a shirt and hoodie
Warner Bros.

6.Michael Caine wasn't supposed to be speechless when his character, Alfred, first sees a video of the Joker. Caine said, "I had to do this bit where Batman and I watch a video which The Joker sends to threaten us. So I'd never seen him, and then he came on the television in the first rehearsal and I completely forgot my lines. I flipped, because it was so stunning, it was quite amazing." In the final scene, Caine doesn't speak.

Top: Close-up of Joker's face on TV screen with GCN news banner. Bottom: Alfred and Bruce Wayne in suits looking serious. Text: Joker speaking about Batman
Warner Bros. Pictures

7.Daniel Craig's suave water bottle catch in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo happened completely by accident. According to the DVD commentary, on the sixteenth or so take of the below scene, he accidentally knocked over a water bottle and then "deftly" caught it "like Gene Kelly." Director David Fincher immediately knew he wanted it in the film, saying, "I don't know what we could hope for that would be better than that."

A person in a dark coat interacts with a vintage refrigerator in a dimly lit kitchen in three sequential images
Sony Pictures Releasing

Watch the moment in GIF form here. (Sorry it's so dark — why don't we light movies anymore???)

A person is standing in a dimly lit room, opening a cabinet, partially visible. Shelves with various items are seen in the background
Sony Pictures Releasing

8.In The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Viggo Mortensen broke two toes while kicking a helmet. His scream of anguish, followed by his fall to his knees, was real. As this cry of pain matched Aragorn's emotional pain in the scene, it ended up being perfect.

A scene from "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers." Aragorn, played by Viggo Mortensen, looks distressed and kicks a helmet, screaming and falling to his knees

Suggested by siirif91

New Line Cinema

9.Julie Stiles wasn't meant to start crying as she read her character's poem in 10 Things I Hate About You. She got emotional while reading it, and the tears came naturally. "[The tears] were not intentional. On some level I knew that I was supposed to be somewhat emotional, because when we did the table read I remember I just said the poem, and I could have been reciting the phone book. But [when it came to filming], I never expected that I was going to start crying. I don't know why I did, whether it connected to something going on at the time, or if I was just overwhelmed by the whole experience of making my first big movie." It ended up being one of the most memorable moments of the film.

Julia Stiles from "10 Things I Hate About You" crying while reciting a monologue; text overlay reads part of her speech about not hating someone at all
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

10.In Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio flubbed a line where he was supposed to direct Winslet's character to lie on the couch during her nude scene. He instead indicated she should go "over on the bed," then corrected himself to say "the couch." The moment made his character Jack appear flustered, which was perfect for the scene.

Three scenes from a movie: a person saying, "Over on the bed," then correcting to "The couch," and finally, a person screaming and falling to his knees in an outdoor setting
Paramount Pictures/20th Century Fox

11.Joaquin Phoenix studied wild animals in captivity for his prison cell scene in The Master. Smashing the toilet wasn't in the script; it was just a part of him going berserk. "I didn't intend to break the thing," Phoenix said. "I didn't know that was possible."

the toilet seen through the cells bars in pieces
The Weinstein Company

12.According to a story Jane Russell recounted in Blonde Heat: The Sizzling Screen Career of Marilyn Monroe, she was not supposed to fall in the pool during “Ain’t There Anyone Here for Love?” in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. One of the dancers, Ed Fury, accidentally pushed her in with his foot. He was then fired because he tried to claim co-choreographer credit for the mistake.

the divers dive into the water while jane is crouched down and then gets knocked in by one of the diver's foot
20th Century Fox

13.The famous Midnight Cowboy scene where Ratso slams his hands down on a taxi that almost hits him and yells, "I'm walking here!" was the result of an accident. They didn't have the money to create a full set with extras, so they used a "stolen shot" — using a hidden camera on a real street. At one point the characters cross the street — they had rehearsed and timed the dialogue so they could cross when the signal was green. But in the first shot, a car ran the light and almost hit them. Staying in character, Ratso yelled, "I'm walking here!"

hey i'm walking here! and a taxi driver yells, up yours

14.The Rocky training scene where Rocky is thrown an orange in the Italian market happened similarly — the passerby thought he was a real runner and really did throw him an orange. Sylvester Stallone caught it and went with it.

circle around the orange in the air
United Artists

15.According to the documentary I Am Heath Ledger, the real reason Heath Ledger licked his lips so much as the Joker in The Dark Knight was to keep his makeup from coming off. It ended up becoming a signature part of his character.

the joker licking his lips
Warner Bros. Pictures

16.In 1917, Schofield wasn't supposed to fall — an extra ran into him, causing him to fall over. He got back up again and kept running. Screenwriter Krysty Wilson-Cairns said she screamed when he fell, and that it was like "watching your team mess up a field goal at the Super Bowl." When George MacKay got up, director Sam Mendes yelled to keep filming, "and out of that came a sort of movie magic, I think, personally," Wilson-Cairns said. "I’m obviously a little biased, but it’s one of my favorite scenes of the film."

soldiers running in the field and one of them falling
Universal Pictures/Entertainment One

17.The famous shot of Daniel Craig as James Bond walking out of the water in Casino Royale was not meant to happen. "It was actually by accident," he said. "Where we filmed, off the Bahamas, it's just one of those places where there is a sand shelf and the sand shelf happens to be three feet deep. Because the idea was, I was supposed to swim in and sort of float off, but I swim in and stand up. And it was just one of those things."

daniel getting out of the water
Sony Pictures Releasing

18.Calvin slicing open his hand in Django Unchained was accidental — DiCaprio actually sliced it, and kept going with the scene despite bleeding. It made the scene even more terrifying, and Calvin seem even more unhinged.

leo's hand bleeding in the scene
The Weinstein Company/Columbia Pictures

19.The assistant cameraperson accidentally opened the magazine in one of the last scenes of The Last Temptation of Christ, causing there to be edge fog. However, director Martin Scorsese ended up loving it, saying, "The edge fog became the resurrection."

A man with long hair and a beard, wearing tattered clothing, stands with arms raised and a look of anguish on his face, with fire visible in the background
Universal Pictures/Cineplex Odeon Films

20.Maria's trip in "I Have Confidence" in The Sound of Music was also unscripted, but it ended up being the perfect amount of irony for the number, as well as demonstrating how poorly prepared she actually was.

her running and then tripping
20th Century Fox

21.In Almost Famous, William asking Penny to ask him to come to Morocco with her again was actually Patrick Fugit asking Kate Hudson to give him the line again because he wanted to say his line again, only more excited. However, this take — where he becomes more excited after the second time she asks the question — was so sweet that it made it to the final cut.

A film scene featuring Jude Law and Gretchen Mol. Gretchen asks, "Do you wanna come?" Jude replies enthusiastically, "Yes. Yeah. Yeah!" and "Yes! Yes!"
DreamWorks Distribution, LLC./Columbia TriStar Film Distributors International

22.The sound of lightsabers in Star Wars was actually created through a happy accident. When trying to come up with how they'd sound, sound designer Ben Burtt walked by his TV with a tape recorder with a broken mic cable, and it picked up the sound and amplified it, creating a buzzing noise Burtt used in the film.

two of the characters fighting with the light sabers

23.The "tears" reflected on Robert Blake's face in In Cold Blood were actually by accident — it was noticed by Conrad L. Hall, the director of photography for the film, as he was setting up the lighting of the scene using a stand-in, and he decided it was perfect for the scene.

looks like the characters is crying
Columbia Pictures

24.The cigarette ash wasn't supposed to hit McManus in the eye in The Usual Suspects — it was an accident, and Baldwin's reaction is real.

A person extends their hand while speaking animatedly at night, wearing a light jacket over a dark shirt
Gramercy Pictures / Spelling Films International / Columbia TriStar Film Distributors International

25.And the laughing in the lineup scene wasn't supposed to happen either — it was meant to be serious. “We were supposed to be very stoic, very unimpressed, unintimidated,” Kevin Pollak, who played Hockney, said. But “we would lose it over and over and over.” Pollak also claimed in the DVD commentary that part of the reason they laughed was that Benicio del Toro "farted like 12 takes in a row," which created one of the most memorable scenes in the film.

After "Number 3, step forward" line, Benicio starts talking, a costar hits him and laughs, and he says "Hand me the fucking keys, you cocksucker; what the fuck?"
Gramercy Pictures / Spelling Films International / Columbia TriStar Film Distributors International

26.The tender moment when Adrian hesitates to kiss Rocky actually occurred because actor Talia Shire was sick. She was anxious to kiss him because she didn't want to get him sick, but her reluctance ended up being perfect for the scene.

A man leans in to kiss a woman, closely facing each other in an intimate moment
United Artists

27.Similarly, Toothless hesitating to touch his nose to Hiccup's hand in How to Train Your Dragon was a mistake — it was caused by a software error — but it fit the moment, so it was kept in.

Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon extends his hand to touch the nose of Toothless, the Night Fury dragon
Paramount Pictures

28.The Children of Men scene when blood splatters on the camera was a complete accident — it happened on their last chance to film the six-minute continuous scene. Director Alfonso Cuarón yelled "cut" when the blood splattered onto the camera, but the assistant director didn't hear him because an explosion went off at the same time. They continued with the shot, which the cinematographer called a "miracle."

A man watches from behind a barricade as a tank advances down a war-torn urban street, with a burning building in the background
Universal Pictures

29.The stuntman filming the scene of McClane falling down the elevator shaft in Die Hard actually lost his grip, leading to the fall being much longer and more scary than it was supposed to be.

A person, dressed in a sleeveless shirt, hangs from an overhead support, swinging using their arms in an intense, cinematic action scene
20th Century Fox

30.This Pearl Harbor scene from Tora! Tora! Tora! featuring people running from an exploding plane that happened by accident. This wasn't supposed to happen, and the stunt people running from the flames were really running for their lives. The footage was that much more terrifying because it was real. "Shrapnel was flying everywhere," stunt person Phil Adams said, describing what it was like to film the sequence. "It was probably some of the best footage that we shot that day."

Stuntpeople running from the crash
ThePropKing / YouTube / Via youtube.com

31.Timothy Dalton accidentally looked at the camera in this Hot Fuzz scene — according to the DVD commentary, the moment was kept in and accompanied with a "ka-ching" to make it seem intentional and meta.

Two men in a bar scene. Top: Timothy Dalton speaks, "Let's say we drink to their demise." Middle: Simon Pegg replies, "Shouldn't that be, 'drink to their memories'?" Bottom: Dalton raises glass, "Of course."
Rogue Pictures/Universal Pictures/StudioCanal

32.Actor Patrick Scott Lewis in Zodiac actually had indigestion during one scene – him holding his stomach was kept in as director David Fincher thought it made his fear seem more realistic. "I just thought, that seemed so real that somebody would actually kinda [have] a moment of indigestion when they see a guy in a black hood and a .45 automatic," Fincher said in the commentary.

Top: Man and woman standing; man says, "You're welcome to anything I have." Bottom: Man clutches stomach, and woman stands beside him
Paramount Pictures/Warner Bros. Pictures

33.The helicopter crash in Attack of the Killer Tomatoes was not meant to happen. It really did accidentally crash and burst into flames...which was caught on film. So, they decided they might as well use it.

Series of three images showing scenes from a movie: a police car with siren on and a helicopter crashing, a moustached man in a sheriff's hat, and a helicopter wreck on fire
NAI Entertainment

34.The cat Don Corleone creepily (yet iconically) pets in The Godfather was not in the script. Director Francis Ford Coppola spotted the stray on set and handed it to Marlon Brando (who loved animals) for the scene. In fact, it almost ruined multiple takes from purring too loudly.

Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone in a tuxedo holding a cat, seated at a desk with blinds in the background, in a scene from "The Godfather."
Paramount Pictures

35.Another one from The Godfather — Lenny Montana was so terrified to act alongside Marlon Brando that he tripped up on his lines in the scene where his character Luca Brasi greets Don Corleone. Coppola saw this and decided to make his anxiety a part of his character, adding in an additional scene in which Brasi practices greeting Don Corleone. This made Brasi far more layered and memorable.

A man in a tuxedo with a bow tie sits in front of a brick wall and door, holding a napkin, looking serious
Paramount Pictures

36.According to the commentary for American Beauty, the remote control car hitting Carolyn was a complete accident — but it was so perfect it ended up in the film.

she screams as the car hits her
DreamWorks Pictures

37.And finally, the swastika falling in Inglourious Basterds was accidental — the fire burned wayyy hotter than expected and caused it to fall.

house burning
The Weinstein Company/Universal Pictures