Ahsoka viewers think the Eye of Sion could be a reference to deep-cut Sith Lord


The first two episodes of Ahsoka are now out on Disney Plus, and they’ve introduced an intriguing new concept called the Eye of Sion. Now, just what that is hasn’t yet been revealed, but one connection to a niche Star Wars character could hold the answer.

Now before we go any further, here’s your spoiler warning, we’ll be discussing details from Ahsoka episodes 1 and 2 below. Make sure you’re caught up before reading any further.

What is the Eye of Sion?


In the second episode of Ahsoka, after Morgan Elsbeth has got her hands on the star map which should lead them directly to Grand Admiral Thrawn, she references the Eye of Sion. "The Eye of Sion is on its way here," she tells Baylan Skoll and his apprentice Shin Hati. "Make sure that everything is ready for its arrival."

Part of that preparation involved Inquisitor Marrok stealing a hyperdrive from a New Republic shipyard. Then, right at the end of the episode, we see the hyperdrive being inserted into a massive structure as Morgan says that this will allow the Eye of Sion to be complete and it will "deliver Grand Admiral Thrawn from his exile in the far galaxy."

Given that Thrawn is across "time and space", it seems quite likely that it could be a portal of some kind or potentially a hugely powerful ship. Either way, it’s not been spelled out yet on the show, but that hasn’t stopped some interesting theories emerging.

In particular, the fact that it shares the same name as a brutal Sith Lord has got tongues wagging. Introduced in the 2004 video game Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Darth Sion is known as the Lord of Pain, and is kind of a zombie Sith. He was killed in the Great Sith War, but rather than dying, he ended up surviving by calling on his pain and essentially becoming immortal. Yikes.

"There's a ship called 'Eye of Sion'. I really hope this is a reference to Darth Sion," one fan speculated on Reddit. "I assumed it was worded Psion or Scion," replied another about the potential link. "Darth Sion didn't even cross my mind. That would be sick."

Darth Sion
Darth Sion

Others pointed out that there’s another KOTOR reference in the opening episodes too, which might make this theory a little more likely. In the New Republic shipyards, Ahsoka Tano and Hera Syndulla speak about HK droids, which served as part of Ebon Hawk's crew in the games. "Between that, the HK reference, and the Star map looking like it came out of KOTOR I am happy lol," added another fan.

As Inverse points out too, the fact that it’s his eye that is mentioned in Ahsoka is particularly interesting as well, because Sion has one completely white eye in the game that is covered in cracks. Very intriguing indeed…

Not everyone is so convinced though. Not only is KOTOR not actually considered to be canon, some think that this is really just an Easter egg planted in for fans of the wider Star Wars universe.

"I'm hopeful myself but not sure how they're going to tie Sion to the far galaxy and all that," added another fan on Reddit. "Of course, I'm not sure what Sion canon is…" Meanwhile a fifth agreed, admitting: "I'm guessing the name is the only reference we'll get. Just a little wink to the fans." It seems we'll just have to wait and see.

Ahsoka is streaming weekly on Disney Plus. For more on the new Star Wars show, check out our guides to: