Entertainment Weekly

'Extreme Cheapskates' returns: Sharing dental floss, showers

James Hibberd
'Extreme Cheapskates' returns: Sharing dental floss, showers

Just when we thought we were immune to Extreme Cheapskates press releases, this popped in our inbox: “TLC’s Extreme Cheapskates returns with floss sharing.”

You’re curious too, right? The clip below introduces a couple from the season 2 premiere who share every part of their morning bathroom ritual, from showering to using deodorant, razors and dental floss.

Other highlights from the new season include: A firefighter who books his daughter’s 16th birthday at a strip club because he got a discount, a pregnant woman whose husband is building a homemade breast pump, and a mother who cleans and cooks between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. to take advantage of lower local electricity rates.


I’m not certain anything this couple is saying is truthful (“legit, the real deal” assures the TLC rep), but see what you think:

In case you’re wondering: There is no mention in the episode of toilet paper. But I highly suspect there is a limit in this household on the number of squares per day.
