‘Bachelorette’ Relationship off to ‘Very Difficult’ Start

This season of The Bachelorette is in the books, and JoJo ended up with former football player Jordan Rodgers. It was an emotional finale, as JoJo was also in love with Robby. In the postfinale Bachelorette: After the Final Rose, JoJo admitted that the relationship hasn’t gotten off to the best start, saying, “Yeah, it was difficult. I don’t want to sugarcoat it. It’s been very difficult.”

JoJo blamed many of their difficulties on the terrible things that have been said about her and Jordan in the tabloids. The newly engaged couple hasn’t been able to publicly defend themselves or their relationship, and that’s been difficult for them both.

Still, Jordan and JoJo both said they are very happy and they are excited to officially start their lives together. Jordan even made the announcement that he is moving down to Dallas to live with his new fiancée.

The Bachelorette airs Monday at 8 p.m. on ABC.

Check out the five best Bachelorette exits this season:

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