Ben Affleck Stands Firm as ‘Batman,’ Intros New ‘Justice League’ Trailer at Comic-Con

Yesterday, major movie news broke from San Diego Comic-Con when The Hollywood Reporter wrote that, public denials to the contrary, Warner Bros. was looking for a way to replace Ben Affleck as Batman immediately after the release of this fall’s Justice League- — meaning that Matt Reeves’ upcoming The Batman would feature a new star in the Dark Knight’s cape and cowl. Given that Affleck is at the center of the studio’s entire DC Extended Universe, such a move would have major reverberations for the superhero series’ future. And today, on stage at Comic-Con on behalf of Justice League (and alongside his co-stars Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, and Ray Fisher), Affleck shot those rumors down.

In front of an audience eager to hear how the Oscar winner might confront the growing speculation that his big-screen crime-fighting days were numbered, Affleck made it clear that he had no intention of giving up duties as Gotham’s protector, stating:

“Let me be very clear. I am the luckiest guy in the world. Batman is the coolest f**king part in any universe. … It’s f**king amazing.”

Then, bluntly talking about an upcoming collaboration with Reeves (whose last film was the critically acclaimed War for the Planet of the Apes), Affleck — who was originally slated to write and direct The Batman, before stepping aside in both capacities — stated that “I would be a f**king ape on the ground for Matt Reeves.”

After Affleck proclaimed, “How many people in their life get to come to Hall H and say, ‘I’m Batman’?” the panel concluded on a high note, with the debut of a brand-new trailer for the forthcoming tentpole (watch it above). While Justice League has undergone significant changes in recent months, with director Zack Snyder handing over directing duties to Joss Whedon, the latest promo — full of action and banter — was well received. Plus, it ended with the return (albeit just off screen) of Henry Cavill’s Superman, following his “death” at the end of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Justice League arrives in theaters on Nov. 17.

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