Bill Cosby issues statement from prison saying he has 'no remorse' and is a 'political prisoner' like MLK, Gandhi and Mandela

Bill Cosby has a unique perspective of his time in prison so far: He’s calling it “amazing.” He’s also making it clear that he’s unremorseful and calls himself a “political prisoner” not unlike Martin Luther King Jr.

The disgraced TV star, serving three to 10 years for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, allowed his spokesman to talk about his day-to-day serving time at SCI Phoenix, a maximum-security prison in Collegeville, Pa., which is about 20 miles outside Philadelphia. The comedian, 81, is now with the general population, but has his own room and has prisoners who serve as his helpers, due to his age and being legally blind.

“Despite the circumstances, this is an amazing experience” for the millionaire entertainer, Cosby publicist and crisis manager Andrew V. Wyatt told NBC 10 Philadelphia in a two-part interview that aired this week.

Wyatt also said Cosby was unapologetic. “When I visit him, it’s nothing sad about it,” he said. “He’s not sad. He’s not remorseful because he did nothing wrong.”

Bill Cosby says he will “never have remorse.” (Photo: Getty Images)
Bill Cosby says he will “never have remorse.” (Photo: Getty Images)

Cosby issued a statement Wednesday to confirm that he indeed is not remorseful. In it, he paints himself as a “political prisoner” among the likes of King, Gandhi and Mandela.

“Here’s why I have ‘no’ remorse and will never have remorse,” said Cosby, who maintain that his 2004 encounter with Constand, with whom he settled with a civil lawsuit, was consensual. “I was given a deal; I settled out of court for $3.8 million; I waived my 5th amendment rights; I was declared Not Guilty in 2005 by the Commonwealth — never charged. However, a low-life District Attorney and a corrupt Judge needed me Guilty now. Not for justice, but for their political aspirations. They say, Mr. Cosby, you must attend these classes. Why? One word. Entrapment!”

The statement continued, “My political beliefs, my actions of trying to humanize all races, genders, and religions landed me in this place surrounded by barb wire fencing, a room made of steel and iron. So, I now have a temporary residence that resembles the quarters of some of the Greatest Political Prisoners — Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Randal Robinson, and Dr. Benjamin Chavis. I stand upright as a Political Prisoner and I Smile. The Truth is Strong!”

In his interview, Wyatt painted Cosby as a man doing the best he can under the circumstances. He said the star has lost weight, waking up at 3 a.m. to do calisthenics and he gave up coffee. He said The Cosby Show star rinses off his prison food in a cup of water before every meal to reduce his salt intake. And if he needs any extras in prison, he certainly has the cash in his commissary account. Wyatt said that Cosby’s many fans from around the world have sent him money to spend in jail. He added that Cosby is “mentally strong” and had long prepared himself for being in prison because he felt the district attorney was out to get him.

As reported, his wife of more than 50 years, Camille, hasn’t visited him and doesn’t plan to. Same with their daughters. That was Cosby’s idea, said Wyatt. However, Cosby does speak to Camille three times a day for three minutes a call — the maximum amount of time he can spend on the phone.

Wyatt said he visits Cosby every other week — and the star’s attorneys visit as well.

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