Billy Bush wants to interview President Trump: 'I'm a concerned American'

It's been three years since the release of the infamous Access Hollywood tape that derailed Billy Bush's career. But the former NBC personality, who was in his first year as a Today co-host when he was promptly fired in 2016, is returning to television next week. Bush is attempting to launch a career comeback with Extra.

The 47-year-old TV host stopped by BUILD Series to discuss his new show, which will cover entertainment, sports and politics. He was asked if he would ever have President Trump — who was heard bragging to Bush about groping women on the leaked tape — on as a guest.

"I wouldn't lead with him, you know what I mean. I'm happy to put some distance in there," Bush replied. "But at some point I would. I'm interested in people who are in positions of power and how they handle it. I'd interview him because I'm a concerned American, you know?"

Bush then brought up what he sarcastically called the "beloved tape."

"Back in the day, when that beloved tape was made [it] was 2005 and [Trump] was the number one star on NBC making a hundred million dollars in profit for the network and I'm the entertainment guy. So they're like 'Bush, you're with him three days a week if you can.' As much as possible because he doesn't travel with a publicist and he says things that other celebrities are too guarded to say," Bush continued. "So [Trump's], like, the highest rated guy and he's a jackpot with everything he says because he's a provocateur. So I was with him all the time."

Bush said there was hardly a time Trump wasn't "on."

"He talks at you. Here's one thing you never hear from him — 'Hey, how's the kids?' It's a constant, you know, it's like... you're an astronaut, you're in the capsule and asteroids are coming at you and you're trying to maneuver this thing to get around the asteroids," he joked. "That's how I would equate an interview, you know, back then with him."

The upcoming presidential election is a topic that Bush, whose uncle is former president George H. W. Bush, will follow closely on the program.

"I'm gonna be following it, I'm interested in all of the candidates," he exclaimed. "I'd like to have them all on the program, and I'd like Cardi B to be my political correspondent. I'm not kidding about that, I'm putting it out there."

Talking directly to the rapper Bush said, "Cardi please — we'll have so much fun, you just interview everybody."

Extra is a rebranding of the Warner Brothers's celebrity newsmagazine. The show is moving over to Fox-owned stations in seven major U.S. markets, including New York and Los Angeles.

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