Bold and the Beautiful August 13: Will the Double Murder Mystery Reunite Bill and Katie?

Katie tries to get through to Bill.
Katie tries to get through to Bill.

While the Forresters celebrated Brooke’s Bedroom line at Eric’s mansion, over at Bill’s abode, he, Katie, and Luna dealt with the fallout of Poppy’s arrest. Katie grew emotional as she attempted to get through to Bill and gauged his thoughts of Poppy’s guilt or innocence. Ultimately, in the Tuesday, August 13 episode of The Bold and the Beautiful, Katie wanted Bill to get a second paternity test. Will he listen to his ex-wife?

Who is Endgame Here?

After Poppy’s arrest, Luna (Lisa Yamada) was understandably worried and upset for her mother. Meanwhile, Bill (Don Diamont) was in a bit of shock. He wasn’t giving away much. He basically told his alleged daughter that they needed to let the cops do their thing and see what happened. However, his wait-and-see attitude wasn’t the usual Dollar Bill modus operandi.

It’s weird that he didn’t rush to the station to railroad the cops into letting him see Poppy (Romy Park) or attempt to get her released. In fact, he stayed back in subdued fashion, listening to Katie as she pleaded with him. Does this mean he doubts Poppy’s innocence?

And who cares if Katie (Heather Tom) claimed her one-woman mission to lead a trail of crumbs to Poppy wasn’t about judgment or jealousy. Yes, she can be scared for her ex-hubby. But she can also want him back. Both things can be happening here at the same time. And that’s what it feels like here. Is that she wants the truth — her truth anyway. She’s set up this narrative that Poppy is guilty, and she won’t think about any alternatives. Once again, did anyone see Poppy the night Hollis (Hollis W. Chambers) died?

But she also wants Bill back. A few months ago, she acted like she and Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor) were basically friends the whole time. She dropped that relationship quickly, which leaves the opportunity for a Poppy/Bill/Katie triangle. Plus, Bill has known Katie on a deeper level than Poppy. Because of this, he may be more inclined to believe his ex-wife.

Will Bill listen to Katie’s request for a second paternity test? Hopefully, he will because this whole mystery has turned into a chaotic mess thanks to Tom’s insistence he’s the father, Poppy’s use of happy mints, and the fact that Li (Naomi Matsuda) has seen this other side of her sister. What’s the truth? What are lies? Who’s the real Kill Giardino murderer?

What are your thoughts on a second paternity test? Should they take one? Also, what did you think of the first day of Christine (Lauralee Bell) and Danny (Michael Damian) @ the Forresters? Hope and Steffy: awkward party of two! Let us know in the comments!

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