Bold and the Beautiful September 5: Heroes and Villains of the Luna-tic Story

Chief Baker arrested Luna and Poppy found out the truth about her daughter.
Chief Baker arrested Luna and Poppy found out the truth about her daughter.

Sadly, this Loona story is winding down now that Finn freed Steffy and Chief Baker arrested Luna after Li overpowered her niece. While Luna still has more explaining and blaming to do, the Thursday, September 9 episode of The Bold and the Beautiful meant the end of the line for the once sweet and innocent intern turned murderous gold-digger. Now, it’s time to assess who the heroes and villains of this story were.

Heroes and Villains

Steffy (Hero): Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood), witnessing Luna (Lisa Yamada, performer of the month for August) kiss Bill, sent this story into overdrive. Luna had no choice but to let her devious flag fly free as she drugged and then caged her cousin’s wife in an abandoned building that was about to be demolished. Steffy stepped up. Unfortunately, she paid the price.

Luna (Villain): She’s certainly not a hero. Luna is the villain of this story. However, her past doesn’t condone murder. Having said that, it’s easy to see why she turned out wrong. It’s clear that Poppy (Romy Park) wasn’t a stable parent and, hopefully, she realizes how bad a parent she is.

Finn (Hero): Who knew he had it in him? Finn (Tanner Novlan) channeled his inner Columbo and Liam Neeson in Taken and found his wife. He also connected the dots of Luna’s lunacy. And with the much-needed assist from his mom, the two found Luna and rescued Steffy. Hopefully, this means Steffy will forget about Hope (Annika Noelle) kissing her husband (apparently, there’s still trouble for Steffy now that she’s free).

Poppy (Villain): Sure, Poppy didn’t murder Tom (Clint Howard) and Hollis (Hollis W. Chambers), but that doesn’t mean she’s blameless here. She needs to take a good look at what her free-spirited past caused.

Li (Hero): Okay, Li (Naomi Matsuda) didn’t hold back on her disappointment over Poppy’s sordid past, but now we know she was warranted. Did she have to be so hardcore? Nope. But when you see that she stood up for her sister and visited her and supported her in prison, that screams hero to us.

Li (Villain): When Luna explained to Li how jealous she was that Finn had a great mom. And that she wished Li would have taken Luna in; it was easy to empathize with the girl. As a child and a teenager, Luna was in crisis, and nobody stepped in. Li could give Poppy all the advice in the world, but she didn’t have to listen to it. Somebody needed to call Child Services on Poppy a decade ago.

Bill (Villain): Bill (Don Diamont — who talks about the Luna story here) was a passive person in this whole situation. He only worried about Luna, even after she kissed him twice! And, yes, what she did was worrying, but he didn’t do anything about it. He sat in his mansion and let everything happen around him. He didn’t take a strong stance on Poppy’s innocence or guilt. And he didn’t tell Katie (Heather Tom) to get out with her opinions about Poppy. After Luna was arrested, he told Poppy that deep down, he knew she was innocent. What? Villain.

Katie (Villain): Katie’s investigation into Poppy reached obsessive levels. She even sat down with Sheila (Kimberlin Brown) and acted like her family didn’t hate that woman. All in the name of tying Poppy to the double murders. Sorry, Katie, you were on the wrong side of history here. At least you got Bill to take another paternity test, so he knows Luna isn’t his daughter.

RJ (Villain): RJ (Joshua Hoffman) basically did nothing but play into Luna’s manipulations. She fed him information, and he blabbed it all to Katie and helped solidify Katie’s case that Poppy murdered Tom and Hollis. And then he talked about Luna not being the same, but it never seemed like he tried to track down Luna to figure anything out for himself. He rather just speculate.

Chief Baker (Villain): Come on, Chief Baker (Dan Martin). At least tell people that Finn did all of the hard work for you. Don’t take credit for this Luna bust. You might want to recruit him for the police academy or something.

Who were your heroes and villains of this Luna story? Let us know in the comments!

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