A Bonding experience: 45 years ago, James Bond movie boat chase was on St. Lucie River

This news is likely to leave some of Port St. Lucie's critics both shaken and stirred: James Bond was here.

Not only was he here, the debonair superspy did battle with one of his greatest cinematic foes, a metal-toothed giant named Jaws, in a waterway better known for fish camps than firebombs.

The scene played out on the St. Lucie River's North Fork. In screen time, it lasted only about four minutes.

During that brief period, the movie's producers were able to cram in most of the elements essential to a Bond movie. There was a boat chase, with Bond pursued by several baddies, including the aforementioned Jaws. There were explosions. Spectacular jumps and crashes. Gunfire. An abundance of gadgets that Bond, then played by Roger Moore, used to even the odds.

About the only Bond movie trademark that's missing from the scene is a scantily-clad woman, plotting to betray the hero or profess her undying love to him.

James Bond was in Port St. Lucie, believe it or not

The filming work along the North Fork of the St. Lucie River for the James Bond movie, "Moonraker," drew significant coverage from the local newspaper.
The filming work along the North Fork of the St. Lucie River for the James Bond movie, "Moonraker," drew significant coverage from the local newspaper.

That's right ― all of this happened in Port St. Lucie, the supposedly sedate center of the Treasure Coast. You know, that place where nothing interesting ever happens?

Well, it did happen. Port St. Lucie is inextricably linked to one of the American film industry's best-known and longest-enduring franchises.

'Moonraker' filming made a big splash in PSL

Who says Port St. Lucie isn't exotic? Scenes from the 1979 James Bond movie, "Moonraker," were shot along the North Fork of the St. Lucie River, not far from the Prima Vista Boulevard bridge.
Who says Port St. Lucie isn't exotic? Scenes from the 1979 James Bond movie, "Moonraker," were shot along the North Fork of the St. Lucie River, not far from the Prima Vista Boulevard bridge.

The movie in question was "Moonraker," the 12th adaptation of author Ian Fleming's unflappable and indestructible British secret agent. The movie, released in theaters June 29, 1979, turns 45 this year.

The plot centers around Bond's investigation of the mid-air theft of a space shuttle, which eventually leads him to the Amazon River.

Only it's not really the Amazon. It's the St. Lucie. The Treasure Coast river's mangrove-lined banks provide a rough approximation of the Brazilian jungle, with an assist from some movie-making magic.

No spoilers here, for those who might want to watch or re-watch the movie. However, the scene's ending definitely required Hollywood help. Local viewers will be saying: "Well, that part definitely wasn't filmed on the St. Lucie River."

According to accounts from the St. Lucie News Tribune, about 65 to 75 people worked on the production crew for the scenes filmed locally. Crew members stayed at the Jupiter Hilton while on location.

Movie was escapist fun, not high art

Is it the jungle surrounding the Amazon River ... or just suburban Port St. Lucie? Thanks to some moviemaking magic in 1979, the latter was able to serve as a stand-in for the former during the 1979 filming of "Moonraker," a James Bond movie.
Is it the jungle surrounding the Amazon River ... or just suburban Port St. Lucie? Thanks to some moviemaking magic in 1979, the latter was able to serve as a stand-in for the former during the 1979 filming of "Moonraker," a James Bond movie.

Most of the filming was done near the North Fork Marina, not far from Prima Vista Boulevard. According to the News Tribune, production costs ran about $185,000 per day, with the shoot taking several weeks to complete.

General Development Corp. was paid an unspecified amount of money for providing access to the filming sites.

Strelsa Schreiber, who wrote a column called "Port St. Lucie Potporri" for the News Tribune, considered the filming work a momentous occasion in the city's history.

"Now that the company filming 'The Moonraker' has departed our shores, I am convinced that at least a part of Port St. Lucie and its residents will never be quite the same again," Schreiber wrote in a column published Feb. 7, 1979. "And if the wildlife along the banks of the St. Lucie River could but speak, I am equally sure there would be repeated mutterings of 'What fools these mortals be!' "

So was "Moonraker" a great movie? Probably not by most standards.

Some Bond followers consider the movies Moore made to be too silly or campy in comparison to the more-serious ones before and after them in the series.

Following its release, the News Tribune published a short review blurb about "Moonraker" Aug. 12, 1979:

"This is is the most illogical, ridiculous, senseless Bond film of all ― but it's still great fun, stylish, witty and full of extraordinary gimmicks and special effects. Ignore the plot, just sit back and have a good time."

Apparently, a lot of people did. "Moonraker" raked in more than $200 million at box offices worldwide.

Movie is gone, but not forgotten

Scenes from Port St. Lucie's first Port Fest, Saturday, June 15, 2024, along the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. Port St. Lucie's newest park, located at 2454 SE Westmoreland Blvd., featured a car show at Lyngate Park, a ribbon cutting ceremony, food trucks, aerial acts, family-friendly activities and live music during its inaugural festival.
Scenes from Port St. Lucie's first Port Fest, Saturday, June 15, 2024, along the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. Port St. Lucie's newest park, located at 2454 SE Westmoreland Blvd., featured a car show at Lyngate Park, a ribbon cutting ceremony, food trucks, aerial acts, family-friendly activities and live music during its inaugural festival.

Despite Schreiber's prediction, life did return to normal in Port St. Lucie in due time.

However, nearly a half-century after the movie's release, there are quite a few people in the community who have memories associated with the filming.

When Port St. Lucie city government published a Facebook post about the movie in late May, several residents shared their memories about watching the filming, or encountering remnants of props left behind after the shooting wrapped.

Some reported meeting members of the cast and crew. Others said they were involved in the production in some way.

For example, David Palm said his father's fabrication shop, Big Daddy Welders in Fort Pierce, was asked to make boat ramps needed for the jumps in the scene.

"One of Roger Moore's assistants came into the shop and asked if I could make a floating ramp that would support a boat going about 40 MPH to jump the ramp," Palm wrote in reply to a Facebook comment. "We used the sketch they provided, however the prop manager underestimated the strength in materials and used one sheet of 1-inch thick plywood for the ramp surface. The boat hit the ramp at approximately 35 MPH and broke the one-inch plywood surface. We recommend a using two pieces of one-inch plywood, and the result was very successful."

Some commenters on the city's Facebook post noted a section of the river is still referred to as "Moonraker Bay." Eddie Hamrick, owner of River Lilly Cruises, mentions the filming work as one of the points of interest on his company's river tours. Hamrick said there's a group of Bond enthusiasts that makes an annual trip along the river to visit the site.

The city didn't hold a special event celebrating the anniversary of the movie's release this year. It isn't too early to start planning for the 50th anniversary, though.

A chance for PSL leaders to showcase the river


By then, the city's Port District should be completely built out and ready to serve as a host venue.

Imagine the possibilities: A James Bond lookalike contest. A Jaws lookalike contest. A boat parade along the stretch of river used in the filming.

Moore and Richard Kiel, the actor who played Jaws, are deceased, but maybe one or more of the surviving cast members would be willing to return as guests of honor. Surviving members of the production crew could give talks about how the local work all came together. Maybe someone will build a replica of Bond's ingeniously equipped vessel.

Not every community can lay claim to being part of the James Bond legacy. Port St. Lucie shouldn't let this opportunity slip away, like a certain well-known spy making yet another narrow escape.

This column reflects the opinion of Blake Fontenay. Contact him via email at [email protected] or at 772-232-5424.

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: 45 years ago, bad guys chased James Bond along the St. Lucie River