Bradley Cooper gave Lady Gaga a 15-foot photo of her face from 'A Star Is Born'

When you’re Lady Gaga, you’ve earned the right to decorate your fancy mansion however you want. For the singer turned actress, that means having a “gigantic” photo of her face hanging in an empty room in her house — and we’re here for it.

Gaga has been on a massive press blitz for A Star Is Born, which includes a profile in the New York Times Magazine. By now, there isn’t a whole lot of information coming out that we don’t already know about the buzzy film or its leading lady, which is why our favorite nugget was a gift from her co-star Bradley Cooper.

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga in <em>A Star Is Born.</em> (Photo: Warner Bros.)
Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga in A Star Is Born. (Photo: Warner Bros.)

The Times writer sat down with Gaga at her home in Los Angeles and noted how the “Born This Way” singer showcased a room “that was empty save for a gigantic photograph of her own face, at least 15 feet across, in a gilded frame.”

“It was a gift from Bradley,” Gaga said. “It’s the last frame of the movie.”

The film hits theaters on Friday, so this will be a spoiler-free zone of that particular scene, but it’s a perfect moment Cooper decided to capture.

As for the empty-room part, perhaps Gaga is simply saving space for mementos yet to come from A Star Is Born. It’s all but a sure thing both she and the movie will be awards-season favorites, perhaps even adding a G (Golden Globe) and an O (Oscar) to her EGOT résumé.

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