Bradley Whitford says Trump is the 'epitome of the uninformed celebrity'

Bradley Whitford, star of political shows such as The West Wing and The Handmaid’s Tale, is amused when people automatically dismiss his opinions about real-life politics, simply because he works in entertainment.

“It’s always funny to me because people are saying, hey, you’re an uninformed celebrity, you know, shut up, stop talking about politics and this guy is the epitome of the uninformed celebrity,” Whitford said Wednesday during an appearance at BUILD Series in New York City.

While promoting his new NBC sitcom Perfect Harmony, which premieres Sept. 26, Whitford didn’t mince words when asked about the impeachment inquiry launched against the real estate mogul and Apprentice star-turned-politician.

“I think it’s long overdue,” Whitford said. “I think he’s a racist. I think he is a misogynist. I think he’s a sexual [assaulter].”

Whitford called Trump a “damaged human being” and alleged that he’s someone who, unlike presidents Bush, Clinton and Obama before him, doesn’t care about bringing people together.

“This guy, and he’s quite mentally ill, thrives on division,” the Transparent actor said.

Whitford added that he finds it “mind-boggling” that “a spray tanned, like, rich kid is the hero of, like, working people. It’s insane.”

Whitford’s condemnation wasn’t limited to Trump. He also blamed those around him, including other Republicans.

“Look, we’re not [diminishing] the unspeakable suffering of the people who are victims of the Nazis. We’re not there. I’m not saying that,” he noted. “But I never, truly understood how that possibly could have happened... I could hear about it, but I never understood how an inclusive culture that was happening, certainly in Berlin and everything, how that could give way to this kind of madness, and we all see it now. Yeah, it can happen, and it can happen here.”

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