Cassie Randolph Gives Update on Colton Underwood's Health After He Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Cassie Randolph is speaking out about Colton Underwood‘s health after he tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

Giving an update on how she and her family are managing their time in self-quarantine, Randolph, 24, posted several videos on her Instagram Story on Friday, shortly after Underwood shared the news of his diagnosis.

The Bachelor alum informed her followers about how she, her family and Underwood have all been social distancing at her parents’ home in California.

“We’re here with my family. We’ve been doing the social distancing and been quarantining ourselves for the past week now. Now we all can’t leave the house,” she explained.

“We’re going to keep you updated on symptoms and how this thing is going. We’re all making sure to take very good care of ourselves and staying healthy,” Randolph said. “We’re trying to one, stay positive, two, take a lot of vitamins, and get a lot of sleep.”

The reality star continued to urge her followers to “please, please practice [social distancing] because it’s the only thing that we can do.”

“If we have it probably a lot of other people out there have it too even if they haven’t been tested for it. So just treat yourself like you do have it,” she added.

RELATED: Bachelor’s Colton Underwood Tested Positive for Coronavirus: ‘I’m Exhausted’

Randolph later answered questions on her Instagram Story about how Underwood contracted the virus, and what he has been doing to stay healthy.

“At this point, it could have been anywhere that he was in the past 2 weeks. Whether it be from a stranger that he touched the same door handle as, or from a friend, someone in my family…,” she wrote.

To keep Underwood, 28, away from her family, Randolph revealed he is “currently on the third story” and she is “taking care of him by bringing him anything he needs (food, medicine, water, blankets, games).”

“I disinfect myself every time I leave him,” she explained. “But I’m not ‘hanging out’ up there, per se – unfortunately.”

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On Friday, Underwood shared on Instagram that he tested positive for the virus, urging younger adults to take the illness seriously.

“I want to let you guys know: I’m 28, I consider myself pretty healthy, I work out regularly, I eat healthy, and I became symptomatic a few days ago, got my test results back today, and they are positive,” he said in a video.

The reality star said the virus, officially named COVID-19, has been draining on his body.

“It’s been kicking my ass, just to put it pretty bluntly,” he said. “The main thing is I can’t even walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath or go to the bathroom without having to sit down because I’m exhausted.”

Underwood additionally said that everyone, including younger adults, needs to take COVID-19 seriously.

“So, I guess the reason I’m sharing this is not to cause fear or panic, but to hopefully encourage you guys to stay home, do your part, take care of yourselves, take care of one another,” he said. “… I just want to encourage everybody to stay at home. Stay in your house and do your part and take care of one another.”

As information about the coronavirus pandemic rapidly changes, PEOPLE is committed to providing the most recent data in our coverage. Some of the information in this story may have changed after publication. For the latest on COVID-19, readers are encouraged to use online resources from CDC, WHO, and local public health departments and visit our coronavirus hub.