Chris Cuomo's harsh takedown of Lindsey Graham: 'Spewing the same poison as the extremist perpetrators'

Chris Cuomo ripped into Sen. Lindsey Graham on Cuomo Prime Time Thursday night for comments the South Carolina Republican has made concerning the ongoing second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump. Graham has criticized impeachment managers for playing extensive video of the violent insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, of which former Trump is accused of inciting, calling it “offensive and absurd.” Graham even went so far as to parrot Florida Sen. Rick Scott and question whether House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a target of the insurrectionists, had anything to do with the melee.

“The dangerous unknown is what will happen next when the worst of us realize their attack was seen as righteous by the right. That takes us to Sen. Graham. He may have secured top billing with every alt-right and white nationalist group in this country by echoing their animus,” Cuomo said, later adding, “I have only heard that from this senator and lemmings of alt-right groups on social media and my radio show. Those are the only people. That's who he's echoing, and he's doing it on purpose.”

Graham has made his position in this impeachment trial very clear from the beginning, but he had a much different standard for what justified impeachment in 1999 when Democratic President Bill Clinton was in the hot seat.

“That man voted to convict a president for lying about a sex act,” Cuomo said, “but he won't hold one accountable for an act of terror. And now he is spewing the same poison as the extremist perpetrators.”

Many Democrats have said that if Trump isn’t held accountable for his actions, something like Jan. 6 could happen again, something Cuomo echoed with a not-so-veiled warning for Graham.

“The next time is on you, brother Graham,” Cuomo said, “and the others who are willing to ignore the obvious and play to the odious.”

Cuomo Prime Time airs weeknights at 9 p.m. on CNN.

Watch Chris Cuomo slam Ted Cruz for tweeting about breast milk during the impeachment and not paying attention to the trial:

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