This Christmas Is Brandy’s, But That’s A Humble Flex

Brandy and that voice were made for the holidays. Her voice oozes a familiar warmth that feels like the sweet invention of a lover’s dream, nestled within the confines of your heart. Ahead of the chaos that can consume the holiday season, the Vocal Bible spoke with VIBE about the arrival of her latest album, Christmas With Brandy, and new Netflix film, Best. Christmas. Ever.

“It was definitely Christmas in July for me this year!” she joked about the projects arriving simultaneously. Yet, who’s complaining? Her last musical offering arrived in 2020 with B7, but she did leave crumbs for her dedicated fan base over the past two years and released singles from ABC’s short-lived musical drama series, Queens.

Christmas With Brandy, however, was her way of reconnecting with fans. “[They] have been really asking me to make a Christmas album. And I was really in the spirit,” she explained. “I thought it would be a great idea to finally have one. I have seven albums out, and no Christmas album. I’m like, ‘Oh, my god, I need something to connect with the fans.’ I thought this was the perfect way, and the perfect holiday to do that.”

While the alignment is there, the album is anything but traditional. It literally feels different, just like its opening track implies. The LP is a strong balance of original material and covers that Brandy put her own “nuances and flavor” on. In our latest interview with Brandy, she details the making of the LP, the sacred bond she shares with her daughter/collaborator, Sy’Rai, and how she remains humble after nearly 30 years in the industry.

VIBE: You started off the album with the holiday breakup anthem, “Feels Different.” Wat made you want to create that specifically?

Brandy: You know what? I just think that’s the song that puts people in the mood of it being like a Brandy album. I just felt like it doesn’t sound like a traditional Christmas song. It’s just really a cool song. Christmas is not just about family, not just about having quality time with the people that you love. Sometimes people are going through things. So, I just wanted to touch on every subject on this album.

How did you all collectively figure out which covers you wanted and which original songs you wanted to write?

[That] was really hard, because there’s so many great Christmas songs out there, but I wanted to do the ones that I love the most. Like ‘Jingle Bells,’ ‘The Christmas Song.’ I love ‘Deck the Halls’ and ‘Someday at Christmas.’ I wanted to do the ones that spoke to me the most. And then also to have great writers coming up with different, original songs that I think can speak to a lot of different situations and circumstances that people may be going through during the holidays.

But the lead single, “Christmas Party for Two”—that one’s a little bit sexier. So why choose that song as the lead single?

Because that song is fire.

It is!

If that song wasn’t even talking about—If it wasn’t sexy, if it wasn’t any of that, just the melody and the vibe of it, it’s just so good. I’m so happy that they gave me that song, because it spoke to me right away. And I’m not even in a relationship. You know what I’m saying? I’m all the way by myself, and I just absolutely love that record.

It’s still very relatable to a lot of people, even in their single ship.


Compared to your previous album, did you feel that you had to tap into a different side of yourself for this album?

Yes, because it’s Christmas, and it’s not the same kind of music as my other music. Of course, I still wanted people to reminisce on what my previous music was. It still has the R&B flavor, but it’s still very Christmas.

Back in September, news leaked before the formal announcement about your album. Were you nervous or did you really not care about that?

Yeah, I was nervous. I mean, any project that you put out, it’s your baby. Of course, you get a little nervous and especially when it’s leaked, when you don’t have any control over it. It’s like, ‘Oh, my god, what are people going to think?’ I just want people to really love the album, and really get in touch with it and be able to play it for a very long time.

The sole feature on the album is your daughter, Sy’Rai. What has it been like creating music with her?

It’s been such a joy. I absolutely love our bond and love our connection. Music is our life, and we just love working together. We love the way our voices sound together and we just love working together. And it’s just great to see her come into her own and just be by my side and just work with me. It’s been a pleasure.

That’s beautiful. And even on your duet, you tell her, “Take it up a notch.” Was that moment a testament to you being her vocal producer and helping her come more into her own?

Yes, because that’s all her in the last hook.

Oh, wow. She’s definitely taken notes from her mama. When you started making the album, did you intend for her to be the sole feature?

I didn’t really know. I [also] didn’t know if she was going to be down and do it, but she was so down. She loved the record. I just think that it’s just something special about a mother and daughter bond, and I just thought it would be great. And it was such a perfect song— ‘Christmas Gift.’ She’s the greatest gift God has ever given me, so I’m just happy to share the moment with her.

That’s beautiful. Do you have a favorite track on the album?

‘Christmas Party for Two’ is my favorite.

Hands down, without hesitation. I love that.

I can listen to it over and over. And even if it wasn’t me singing, I say it humbly. If it was someone else’s song, I would love it. I love it that much.

Besides your Thanksgiving Day parade performance, do you have other plans to perform your holiday album live? Perhaps on Tiny Desk, or something like that?

Yeah, I have other plans. We’re working those plans out right now. Just trying to make sure we can line up the appropriate things to do for the album. I definitely want to promote it, so people can really love it and fall in love with it. I haven’t performed in a long time, so I’m looking forward to seeing what that feels like again.

Your fans will definitely be excited and cannot wait to see you live—hopefully very soon.

Thank you.

You received the Muse Award from Femme It Forward’s Give Her FlowHERS. What does it mean for you to accept this honor?

I’m very humbled to be recognized, to be appreciated, to feel like my music has touched people in a way to be remembered, and to have the longevity to inspire other artists and to be recognized. That’s just very humbling to me and I’m thankful that I have so much gratitude for the recognition.

After all these years, it’s so beautiful how you remain so humble. How do you do that?

I was raised right, girl. Good parents. And just knowing not to take anything for granted. This has been a blessing, a gift from God. And I can’t get egotistical about that. It’s no fun.

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