Cory Booker jokes that Rosario Dawson won't receive a diamond ring for Christmas: 'I'm not getting her that'

Cory Booker and Rosario Dawson have no plans to get engaged over the holidays. (Photo: REUTERS/Phil McCarten)
Cory Booker and Rosario Dawson have no plans to get engaged over the holidays. (Photo: REUTERS/Phil McCarten)

Cory Booker and Rosario Dawson aren’t rushing to the altar anytime soon — they’re happy as is.

The New Jersey senator made that clear during a virtual Thursday episode of VICE TV's "Cari and Jemele (Won’t) Stick To Sports" about his two-year romance with the actress.

During a lighthearted game titled “Seasonal Superlatives with Cory Booker” with hosts Cari Champion and Jamele Hill, the politician was asked whether Dawson, 41, could possibly receive a sparkly holiday offering. "Wow. I already know the gifts I got her, and so I'm not getting her that item,” answered Booker, 51.

Champion asked, “The question in essence is, will there be a diamond under the tree?” to which Booker answered, “I hear what you’re saying. Not from me, no...”

“I didn’t know if you wanted to break a little news here, Senator, if you had a question you might want to ask Rosario around the holidays about the rest of her life. Let us know,” pressed Hill.

“You put me on blast worse than my mom does. It's getting a little hot,” joked Booker.

In August, Dawson who has dated Booker since 2018, moved into his New Jersey home, a milestone for Booker. “This is the first time in my life I've really lived with somebody — and obviously Rosario and I are enjoying and adjusting to that, right?” the former Democratic presidential candidate told BuzzFeed News that month.

He also described shedding his bachelor habit of scrolling his cellphone during meals. “So it's just really nice to set a table, have somebody to say grace with, before a meal,” he told the website. “It's just those small things really are, I'm finding, incredibly enriching.”

And Dawson told the Washington Post last year, “I’m in love! I am absolutely in love, and it is so exciting.”

The pair first met at a 2018 fundraiser but sparks didn’t fly. “There was no love connection there,” Booker told the Post. “I think it was the places of life we were in. I was probably dating somebody when we first met.” However, a second run-in sealed the deal — after talking for hours, Booker was smitten.

“I had trouble asking for her phone number. . . . I think I said something really stupid like, ‘Uh, how would I get in touch with you?’ And she mercifully said something like, ‘Oh, you want my phone number?’ And my insides were like, ‘Hell, yeah!’ ” he told the Post.

The relationship exceeded Booker’s expectations. “...I’m not sure if I’ve ever fully given myself over to a relationship as much as I have with her and allowed myself to be as vulnerable,” he added.

In the Thursday interview, Booker shared concern for the division among Americans, many of whom believe the U.S. presidential election won by Joe Biden, was rigged, as President Trump and his supporters have falsely claimed in court. Still, Biden was affirmed by the Electoral College on Dec. 14.

“This is a time that’s frustrating to me — it’s been this end of the era for Trump. I knew he wouldn’t go quietly or go well, but he’s doing a lot of damage,” said Booker. “And that’s not to me, partisan that’s just to me, pathetic and painful.”

Related: Cory Booker jokes Rosario Dawson was 'more excited' to vote for marijuana

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