Demi Moore’s Tiny Chihuahua Meets Drew Barrymore’s Dog and He’s Not Sure What to Do

Just like all of us, celebrities are crazy about their pets. Demi Moore recently visited The Drew Barrymore Show and brought along her tiny long-haired Chihuahua named Pilaf. Drew's senior dog Douglas was also there, and he wasn't sure how to react to the palm-sized pup...their meeting is absolutely adorable!

In the video, that was posted on Friday, September 13th, Moore describes her fur baby as being the runt of the litter. She goes on to say that nobody knows why she's so small, and that her siblings and parents are twice her size. Barrymore's dog Douglas sniffs the tiny pooch, and then heads to the other side of the couch, unsure about and uninterested in whatever it is. What Moore says next will crack you up!

Douglas wasn't sure to do with the tiny pooch and Moore had the best response! Coming from one single lady to another, her timing was perfect, as was the connotation about Pilaf wanting Douglas. Fans of The Drew Barrymore Show also got a kick out of Pilaf and Moore's comment. @Nik Nak laughed and said, "Haha Demi calling us out!" and @mellisa_lemhouse added, "Hey Pilaf - same, girl. Same. I don’t even want him, but he’s doesn’t want me?!?! Well now I do want him…" @Oneil980 pointed out, "Douglas think it’s a mouse. Lol. So cute!" @Heather cracked me up when she said, "This episode is named “How Drew decided to get more dogs” LOL!"

Related: Demi Moore's Tiny Pup 'Pilaf' Just Captured America's Hearts

More About Demi Moore's Dog Pilaf

Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed, so even a 'big' Chihuahua isn't very big; full grown Chihuahuas stand 5-8 inches tall and weigh 1.5 to 6 pounds. Since Pilaf is even smaller than most, Moore considered submitting Pilaf for Guinness World Records' Worlds Shortest Living Dog title since the adorable pooch weighs in a 1.2 pounds!

You might be wondering if celebrity pets do cool celebrity things, and the answer is yes! You'll often find Pilaf in a pouch slung across her famous mama's chest. Pilaf has been Moore's BFF for more than two years now and is her favorite travel companion; the two are rarely apart. Moore told Dogue (the doggie equivalent of Vogue), "I can take Pilaf everywhere. She’s literally been to Broadway shows, museums, the French Open, art openings, restaurants. She’s a service animal, so she’s allowed to go everywhere. She’s flown to Europe 14 times." She's even seen the Mona Lisa. Pilaf is a more seasoned traveler than I am!

Where did Moore find her tiny companion? Well, actually her daughter found her. Dogue reported, "Moore found Pilaf during the pandemic—or rather, her daughter Tallulah Willis spotted her on Facebook. The only problem? She was more than eight thousand miles away. A family in Thailand had a litter of puppies, and despite the distance, Willis knew that the little pup was perfect for Moore." Arrangements were made and Pilaf was flown to Los Angeles, the first of her many international trips.

Pilaf is also pretty famous herself and has lots of celebrity friends. She even hung out with Moore when she supported her friend Dakota Johnson when she hosted Saturday Night Live!

Is it weird that I'm jealous of a dog? I'm sure I'm not the only one. I'll be keeping an eye on Pilaf and living my life vicariously through her!

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