Donald Trump and Ben Carson Awkwardly Sway to Awkward Rendition of 'Stand By Me'

On Sunday, Donald Trump attended the Palm Beach County Republican Party’s annual Lincoln Day fundraiser in Florida. There, alongside opponent turned supporter Dr. Ben Carson, the GOP presidential candidate was serenaded by country artist Beau Davidson with a special rendition of “Stand By Me.” It was … awkward.

Davidson altered the lyrics to the beloved Ben E. King song, swapping out “Darling, darling,” for “Donald, Donald.” In an interview with Fox411, Davidson said, “Mr. Trump had a huge smile on his face. He grooved to the beat and even joined the chorus once he heard his name in the lyric.” He also added, “Dr. Carson enjoyed the performance, smiled, and clapped along.” One look at Trump and Carson would suggest they weren’t exactly having the time of their life, however.

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