It's 'Donberly'! Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle gave themselves a couple nickname and use it in public

Tabloids have long given nicknames to celebrity power couples — Brangelina, Kimye, TomKat, and even Billary — but Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle have bestowed one upon themselves.

“Hashtag Donberly,” the 49-year-old former Fox News personality, who now works for pro-Trump super-PAC America First Policies, said while speaking at an event for Turning Point USA, an organization for pro-Trump teens, the Cut reports.

“He’s savage, isn’t he?” Guilfoyle also said to the crowd about her boyfriend, 40, adding what’s been previously revealed: that her term of endearment for him is Junior Mint.

Hey, look — it’s Donberly! Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle campaign for Ted Cruz in Conroe, Texas, on Oct. 3. (Photo: Loren Elliott/Getty Images)
Hey, look — it’s Donberly! Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle campaign for Ted Cruz in Conroe, Texas, on Oct. 3. (Photo: Loren Elliott/Getty Images)

The shtick seems hard to believe, but that’s totally their thing. At a different campaign event, Trump Jr. spoke after Guilfoyle and said to the crowd, “Can someone come up here and take the mic for a few minutes? I don’t like following Kimberly. She does not make this easy.” For the record, he has said his term of endearment for Guilfoyle is Pooh Bear.

The pair’s relationship has played out very publicly amid his divorce from wife Vanessa, which is not yet finalized. Trump Jr., who has five children, and Guilfoyle, a twice-divorced mom of one, have been pushing the GOP agenda and backing various Republican candidates all across the country. In their downtime, the “Make America Great Again” match made in heaven like to wear camo, shoot things, and fish. And they seemingly ignore the negative chatter about themselves.

Needless to say, the pair’s self-given portmanteau has caused some laughs on the internet. They were a punch line on The Late Late Show With James Corden, with the host saying his “appetite is gone-berly” after hearing “Donberly.” He mockingly added, “Here’s the thing with celebrity nicknames: You can’t just come up with your own. It has to be given to you.”

While the Donberly nickname hasn’t taken off on Instagram (there are just 25 mentions of it), on Twitter there’s a livelier discussion, but not the most pleasant one on any front. Apologies if you just ate…

Oy. But they can’t really be that surprised. Right?

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