Do Ducks' Endorphins Increase in the Rain? See the Viral Video

A recent video of ducks standing in unison while the rain poured down on them has gone viral. Dozens of these adorable creatures stood with their heads towards the sky like they enjoyed the rain. 

But does rain really increase ducks’ endorphins and do they really love the rain as much as it seems they do in the viral video? Check out the video for yourself here!

Do the ducks get wet while standing in the rain?

While there is no specific reason behind the ducks uniform position while it rains on them, ducks feathers are waterproof, so standing in the rain doesn’t impact them much. When it rains or when a duck dives underwater, they remain dry. According to FOUR Paws International, “A duck's feathers are so waterproof that even when the duck dives underwater, the downy underlayer of feathers right next to the skin will stay completely dry.”

So it seems the secret is in the duck's feathers. These birds have two different categories of feathers: down and contour. 

Contour feathers are described as “long, rigid feathers that give birds their shape and color.” These are the outermost feathers on the duck. Down feathers “are the soft, fluffy feathers that sit closest to the bird’s skin. These keep birds warm by trapping a layer of air next to their skin.”

The video below offers a glimpse of what it looks like when duck feathers are submerged in water. 

Do ducks endorphins increase when standing in the rain?

While there may not be any scientific reason behind ducks standing with their heads up to the sky while it rains, it is a very cute sight. It could be that they enjoy the rain because they don’t actually get wet, or maybe their endorphins really are heightened when it rains. 

How are other animals are impacted by endorphins

Our furry friends at home are, however, certainly impacted by endorphins. It’s difficult to know everything about the endorphin and serotonin levels in dogs as their brain chemistry is very complex. But there are simple ways that we can help our dogs increase their endorphin levels.

Exercise is a fantastic way to boost serotonin and endorphin production,” Balance Behavior reports. “A good run and lots of walking will not only drain excess energy in the dog, but will aid in the production of both endorphins and serotonin which will help your anxious or high energy dog to feel calm, relaxed and sleepy.”

dog running
Alexandra Robins / Getty

There is also the importance of a dog’s diet and nutrition that works hard to keep a pup happy and energized throughout the day. “The fuel that your dog takes in affects cognition and mood, it also contains varying levels of the serotonin precursor tryptophan which is essential for serotonin production.”

As for cute kittens? Their endorphins are increased by this one simple act that you can catch often. “The act of purring releases endorphins within the cat's brain,” CVETS states. “Endorphins are hormones that cause feelings of happiness.”

These simple things can keep your pets happy and healthy and are so simple. Keep your dog on a healthy diet and make sure they get in a daily walk to remain the happy pup you love. As for cats, they take care of their own endorphin levels with a simple purr.

While it is still a mystery behind why ducks stand in the rain, it is very possible that it increases their endorphins and they enjoy the act. Similar to why cats purr, ducks might just be trying to keep themselves happy.

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