Former QAnon follower apologizes to Anderson Cooper for believing he ate babies

In a CNN special report on QAnon that aired over the weekend, Anderson Cooper interviewed Jitarth Jadeja, an Australian man who, up until the summer of 2019, believed in QAnon conspiracies, including the persistent claims about Cooper himself. QAnon followers believe, among other things, that world leaders, Democrats and Hollywood A-listers belong to a Satan-worshipping cabal of pedophiles who drink the blood of children, and that former President Donald Trump was in a secret battle to stop them. Jadeja used to believe Cooper belonged to this cabal and apologized.

“Did you, at the time, believe that Democrats, high-level Democrats and celebrities were worshipping Satan, drinking the blood of children?” Cooper asked. “Anderson, I thought you did that,” Jadeja replied. “And I would like to apologize for that right now. So I apologize for thinking that you ate babies.” “You actually believed that I was drinking the blood of children?” Cooper pressed. “Yes, I did,” Jadeja answered.

Asked what made him believe that about Cooper, Jadeja said, “It's because Q specifically mentioned you, and he mentioned you very early on. He mentioned you by name.”

According to Jadeja, the wild claims about Cooper continue and go even further than him eating babies. Apparently some QAnon followers don’t even think Cooper is human.

“I’m going to be honest,” Jadeja said, “people still talk about that to this day. There were posts about that just four days ago. So some people thought you were a robot.”

While some QAnon followers have wavered after predictions about Trump and the presidency failed to materialize, others are holding firm in their beliefs. Those who continue to believe in QAnon will continue to believe that Cooper has done what he’s been accused of and it appears there is nothing Cooper can do to convince them otherwise.

“I’ve tried to engage sometimes with people who contact me,” Cooper said, “and there is no rational way to, you know, to prove you haven't committed a crime.” “There's nothing you can say,” Jadeja told Cooper. “Whatever you do or don't do will be more proof of your guilt, right?”

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