General Hospital’s Cynthia Watros Opens Up About the Nina and Ava Breakup

Cynthia Watros on the end of Nina and Ava
Cynthia Watros on the end of Nina and Ava

On General Hospital, Nina Reeves’ life looks much different today than a few months ago. She and Sonny are over and divorced. Her association with the Metro Court is also over. Nina and Willow are tentatively re-establishing a relationship. And she’s getting along (sort of) with Drew. However, one of the most painful changes in Nina’s life is the end of her crazy friendship with Ava. GH’s Cynthia Watros recently opened up about the end of a beautiful thing.

The End of an Era

On paper, the Nina/Ava friendship shouldn’t have worked. The two shared so much toxic history that they never should have been friends in the first place. It’s a testament to Cynthia Watros and Maura West that Nina and Ava made the successful leap from enemies to besties.

The severing of this friendship wasn’t just hard on many GH fans. It was hard on Watros, too. The actress explained to TV Insider how she had to say goodbye to Sonny and Ava at the same time. “The breakup with Sonny was difficult,” Watros said. “The breakup with Ava also was very difficult. When I read those scripts, Cynthia had to mourn that. I’ve mourned both breakups.”

Nina’s not someone who has had a lot of friends in her life. It takes time for her to forge long-lasting relationships. And so the 2024 Daytime Emmy nominee cherished the one she got to establish with West’s alter ego. “There’s something special I look forward to when I work with a platonic girlfriend.

“[Maura and I] found so much when we worked together that wasn’t on the page,” Watros continued. “I had to be on my toes because she is so amazing.”

It turns out that Watros and West (who weighs in on the Nina and Ava dynamic here) have much in common, including Boston University. “We went to the same college. We’ve had similar challenges. It was a really great thing to get to work with her in those scenes in which we ‘broke up.'”

Watros and West had to take a moment after those powerful and painful scenes. “I had more material to shoot after our scene, so [after we finished them] I just sat in Nina’s chair. Then, Maura came over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged back. It’s still a hard breakup. Who knows what will happen? But, right now, Nina and Ava can’t be friends anymore.”

What did you think of Nina and Ava’s friendship? Are you sad it’s over? Let us know in the comments.

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