General Hospital Has Sealed Sonny’s Fate: ‘It’s So Damn Disheartening’

General Hospital may be willing to let Sonny get away with murder, but fans? Eh, not so much. They’re crying foul, and loudly, as he works to cover up his killing of Cates. MurphyB marveled on X about “the crappy messaging on this show, when there will of course be no consequences for this. The real villain of the show is an untouchable ‘hero.’ So tired of the hypocrisy.”

Maybe the soap thought that it would get off easy since it had written Cates as such a jerk, nobody would care what happened to him. But surprise: Care, they did — at least insofar as they didn’t care for the idea of the Teflon don going unpunished for the bazillionth time. He may have sealed his own fate along with Jagger’s. “It’s disgusting,” summed up Laurie Tillich, adding that making matters worse is “everyone covering for him except for Tracy who has a brain.”

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Heather Nichols isn’t just over Sonny and his tortured career criminal schtick, she’s all the way over it. “Killing the brother of Stone, the guy he said over and over was like a brother to him… that makes me done,” she said. Chimed in Trying2CurbMyEnthusiasm, “It’s so damn disheartening.”

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Perhaps what it boils down to is that the General Hospital audience, like audiences in general, has moved beyond its love of “antiheroes.” For a while there, you couldn’t flip on the TV without seeing what was basically a bad guy for whom you somehow still rooted, a Tony Soprano or a Dexter or a Walter White. We enjoyed the complexity of it. We liked the awkward feeling of liking someone that we probably shouldn’t have.

Now, though, it’s 2024, and maybe we’re sick of cutting slack to “antiheroes” who are actually villains. Maybe we want to see the good guys win for a change. If they make mistakes, fine. But if they make murdering-a-federal-agent-in-cold-blood sorta mistakes, nope. Go directly to jail, do not pass “Go” or collect $200. What’s your take on the hoopla?

En route to the comments, review the below photo gallery that reviews Sonny’s life of crime.