Geraldo Rivera, Don Lemon unload on Trump supporters' 'bull***t' belief that election was stolen

Geraldo Rivera appeared Monday on The Story With Martha MacCallum where he got worked up speaking about how so many supporters of President Trump refuse to accept that Joe Biden won the election. Recent polls have shown that the vast majority of Trump voters believe the election was stolen.

When asked about this “pervasive belief” by MacCallum, Rivera responded, “But it’s a belief, Martha, based on propaganda. We’ve heard nothing but whining and complaining. What about the courts? Don't we have courts for a reason in this country?”

Trump and his allies have lost dozens of lawsuits attempting to prove fraud. Rivera pointed to this as evidence that there was no fraud, and that Trump lost a fair election.

“Every court that has reviewed this matter has decided against the Republicans, against President Trump,” Rivera said. “The high court of the United States, including three Trump-appointed associate justices have ruled against or declined to take these cases.”

Rivera put some blame on Republicans in congress for misleading voters, especially those who have said they would object to the certification of the Electoral College on Jan. 6.

“It’s a sham. It’s awful they raise these false expectations in those people, making the country so angry and divided,” Rivera said. “I really, while I pity the president, I feel nothing but anger for these opportunistic senators who are grandstanding and will make Wednesday another spectacle.”

A couple hours later on CNN, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo had a similar conversation, and Lemon used stronger words than Rivera while making the same point. Lemon blamed Trump and Republicans in congress who repeat Trump’s false claims, for their voters being unwilling to accept reality.

“Stop saying that we must respect Trump supporters who believe bull***t because it is bull***t that you have been feeding them,” Lemon said. “The president and you have been feeding them the BS.”

Lemon had a simple solution for Republicans in congress whose constituents don’t believe that Trump lost the election.

“You have been telling them that. Of course they’re going to believe it,” Lemon said. “If you would stop telling them that and start telling them the truth, then maybe they would believe the truth that the election was not stolen, and that it was a clean election according to everyone who has investigated, most of them Republican.”

The Story With Martha MacCallum airs weeknights at 7 p.m. on Fox News Channel.

CNN Tonight With Don Lemon airs weeknights at 10 p.m. on CNN.

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