The Golden Bachelor Recap: Did Gerry ‘Knock Boots’ in the Fantasy Suite?

Gerry dusted off some old-school slang this week on The Golden Bachelor as he considered “knocking boots” with his two remaining ladies in the fantasy suites. Did anyone’s boots actually get to knocking, though? And has Gerry made his final choice already?

Gerry heads to Costa Rica for fantasy suites week with just two women left — Leslie and Theresa — and he realizes he’s a week away from being engaged. He’s in love with both of them, and he is excited to get some “closed door” time with them, he tells Jesse. He’s ready to answer everyone’s burning question: “Do people my age still knock boots?” (Jesse gets grossed out when Gerry brings up the idea of Jesse’s parents doing it.) Really, Gerry wants the extra emotional intimacy that the fantasy suites will bring. If the right moment arrives, though, “I’m not gonna pass this up! This may be the last time in my life!”

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The Golden Bachelor Leslie Fantasy Suites
The Golden Bachelor Leslie Fantasy Suites

Leslie is up first, and she and Gerry take a big leap together, rappelling 170 feet (!) down a cliff to a secluded waterfall. She’s scared of heights, but Gerry’s presence makes her feel safe, and they make it all the way down, celebrating with a kiss. At dinner, Gerry mentions that she hasn’t asked him any hard questions for a while, so she hits him with this one: “When’s the last time you had sex?” Gerry nearly chokes on his drink before admitting it’s been “a long time,” while she says it’s been a year for her. He wants to know what their life together would look like, and she doesn’t want to leave Minneapolis for good because her family is there, but she loves Gerry and wants to be with him, and she’s confident “we can figure it out.” She adds that even though she’s been married twice before, she never felt like she had a “till death do us part” lifetime commitment, and she feels like she has that now in Gerry.

When the fantasy suite card arrives, they both hop at the chance to check it out and share a Champagne toast. Gerry even tells her what Trista told him about finding the woman you can’t live without, and he says to Leslie: “I think you’re the one.” (!!!) They cuddle in bed together and turn out the lights, and the next morning, they’re both glowing. They stayed up until 2 or 3 in the morning talking, and what happened between them is private, Gerry says, but he thinks their connection has “significantly improved.” He can definitely see spending his life with her, and they say a warm goodbye as he leaves. She knows he’s leaving to go see Theresa, though, and that puts a bit of a damper on the afterglow.

The Golden Bachelor Theresa Fantasy Suites
The Golden Bachelor Theresa Fantasy Suites

Then it’s Theresa’s turn, and she and Gerry ride horses together through the jungle. He’s distracted, though: He feels weird about having two overnight dates with two different women back to back. She senses he’s a little off, and he admits he’s having a hard time compartmentalizing. She emphasizes how much she loves him and how much he means to her, but he admits to us he’s also thinking: “What’s Leslie doing right now?” As he and Theresa go to dinner, he’s concerned that their relationship has hit a dead end: “We’re not exploring new ground.” But then he asks her about her career, and he’s impressed by how she went from being a housewife to trading stocks and bonds for a living. She had given up on love, she tells him, but when her daughter sent her the application to be on this show, she saw it as fate. She hasn’t been intimate with anyone since her husband died, and she and Gerry both admit they still check in with their late spouses to get their approval on things.

Gerry pulls out the fantasy suite card, and Theresa quickly says yes, so they head to the suite together, with Theresa telling us she’s ready to sleep with Gerry. The next morning, they sip coffee in bed, and Gerry says it feels like this is “the first day of the rest of my life.” All of his questions about Theresa have been answered, and we learn that he told her “I love you” last night while the cameras were off. But after he leaves, reality sets in, and Gerry feels like he’s “dying inside.” He loves both of them, and he knows he has to hurt one of them. But he’s made his decision. We’ll have to wait two weeks until the season finale to find out what that decision is, with the preview showing Leslie and Theresa meeting Gerry’s family — and Gerry crying to Jesse about breaking someone’s heart: “I think I made a mistake.”

Who will receive Gerry’s final rose? And will he have a change of heart during the finale? Hit the comments below, Bachelor Nation, and tell us what you think.

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