Golden Bachelor Recap: Hometown Dates Put Gerry in a Dangerous Love Dilemma

It’s hometown dates time for Gerry on The Golden Bachelor, and all three of them went well… maybe a little too well.

Thursday’s episode finds Gerry flying across the country to meet the families of his three remaining ladies Theresa, Faith and Leslie. But while The Bachelor and Bachelorette are typically meeting their dates’ parents, Gerry is meeting their kids and grandkids. All three women have told Gerry they’re falling in love with him, but he hasn’t reciprocated yet because he only wants to say “I love you” to one more person in his lifetime. And the last time he did that for the first time was back in 1968 with his late wife Toni, so yeah, it’s been a while.

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The Golden Bachelor Gerry Theresa
The Golden Bachelor Gerry Theresa

Gerry starts his tour in Shrewsbury, New Jersey with Theresa, meeting her daughter Jen and her husband and kids, along with Theresa’s sisters Charlotte and Mary. Theresa isn’t worried (“How could you not like Gerry?”), and indeed, Gerry quickly wins over Jen and the sisters. He is a charmer! He even makes time for the grandkids, laughing along as they do impressions of Theresa making duck lips for her selfies. Jen does directly ask him if he’s falling in love with Theresa, and he’s honest with her, saying he doesn’t know yet and he’s not even sure what that might feel like. But Gerry still gets everyone’s seal of approval, and he and Theresa enjoy a romantic evening on the New Jersey boardwalk together. She tells him she loves him, and he doesn’t say it back, but he does tell us in a confessional: “This is the love I’ve been looking for… I am in love with Theresa.” Great! So it’s settled, then?

The Golden Bachelor Gerry Faith
The Golden Bachelor Gerry Faith

Well, no, because then he jets off to meet Faith in her very rural hometown of Benton City, Washington. It’s so rural, Faith says, that “I ride my horse to the grocery store sometimes.” She and Gerry happily trot along on her horses and share a kiss before meeting up with her two sons, her sister Beth and more grandkids. Beth is happy to see how safe Faith feels with him, and when her sons corner Gerry and ask if he’s in love, he says, “Yeah, I think I am.” But he didn’t say with who! Later, in front of the whole family, Gerry takes the plunge and exchanges “I love you”s with Faith. But he confesses to us: “I had to say the words. I couldn’t not. The feeling of love, it’s a lot of confusion for me.” Gerry, you cad! He’s now deeply confused, and Faith gets choked up as they say goodbye and she watches him leave.

Things only get more confusing when Gerry heads to Minneapolis to join Leslie. He’s intent on keeping his love boxes for each woman separate, he tells us, and he meets Leslie’s brother Stuart, who helped raise her after her father died, along with her kids and yet more grandkids. Stuart is skeptical at first and protective, but Gerry charms his way into his heart, even securing his blessing if he decides to propose to Leslie. His connection with her is growing stronger, but is it love? Well, when she tells him she’s in love with him, he says he loves her too. Three for three! They all may have felt right at the time, but whose heart is going to end up broken?

Golden Bachelor Rose Ceremony Leslie Faith Theresa
Golden Bachelor Rose Ceremony Leslie Faith Theresa

At the rose ceremony, Gerry is hopelessly torn, insisting to us that he feels “equally attracted and equally connected” to all three women. He assures them he has a special connection with each of them before handing his first rose… to Leslie. But when it comes time to hand out the second and final rose, he can’t do it. Fighting back tears, he puts down the rose and walks off, sobbing in the hallway: “I’m dying inside a little bit right at this moment.” And the episode leaves us hanging right there, with the answer coming as part of next week’s “The Women Tell All” episode. We do see Gerry tell Jesse in the preview: “I know what I want to do. I just don’t want to do it.”

Who do you think Gerry is sending home: Theresa or Faith? And does Leslie have the inside track for the final rose? Hit the comments below to give us your take.

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