Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 Finale Detonates a Surprise Pregnancy, a Near Kiss and Firings Galore

Grey’s Anatomy saved the best for last. In its Season 20 finale Thursday, the long-running ABC drama dropped on its viewers along with its doctors a surprise pregnancy, an amnesiac fiancée, an outta-nowhere near kiss and enough pink slips to wallpaper an O.R. And all set against the backdrop of the wildfires that threatened to send Seattle up in flames!

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As “Burn It Down” began, Meredith showed up at Grey Sloan certain that her and Amelia’s promising Alzheimer’s research was going to save Teddy’s job. Even as mad as Catherine was, Grey reasoned, “she will not stand in the way of scientific progress.” And she was right about that… kind of. The boss said that Altman could stay on the payroll provided that Mer sent all of her and Amelia’s work to Koracick by day’s end.

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Er, come again? Well, since the Fox Foundation, however unwittingly, had funded all of the research, Catherine reckoned that the Fox Foundation now owned it. That being the case, she was going to have the work taken over by someone that she could trust: Tom. If Meredith did as she was told — for once — she, Amelia and Teddy wouldn’t have to apply for unemployment. But “this project,” Catherine added, “is no longer yours.”

Richard’s Ready to Retire

Richard’s Ready to Retire
Richard’s Ready to Retire

After Webber operated on a patient of Winston’s, said patient died. Ndugu blamed Mika and Jules, whom Richard had allowed to get hands-on experience during the surgery. But it wasn’t their fault, he later admitted to his former son-in-law. In other words, as he told Meredith, “It feels like I need to think about putting the scalpel down.”

Mika and Jules Nearly Kiss

Mika and Jules Nearly Kiss
Mika and Jules Nearly Kiss

When Millin informed Yasuda that their patient hadn’t made it, the latter was overcome with emotion. In trying to calm her friend, Jules rested her forehead on Mika’s, and for an instant there, it looked like they were about to lean in for a kiss. If only they hadn’t been interrupted by Blue, who’d just come face to face with his amnesiac ex-fiancee Molly in the pit!

Jo’s Pregnant After All

Jo’s Pregnant After All
Jo’s Pregnant After All

Working in the NICU, Levi was only distracted from aggravating Monica about recommending him for a peds fellowship by Jo’s sudden collapse. WTH? Turned out, despite the fact that she thought her pregnancy scare earlier in the season had been a false alarm, she really was expecting. She wasn’t quite ready to inform Link, though. (Gotta save something for the Season 21 premiere.)

Theo Pulls Through

Theo Pulls Through
Theo Pulls Through

Badly injured in Station 19’s penultimate episode, firefighter Ruiz looked for a good deal of the Grey’s finale like he wasn’t going to make it. Luckily, Teddy ignored the fact that she’d been axed and pitched in, at one point going so far as to open up the patient in a hallway! Whether Bailey’s nerves survived the day was another question altogether; worries about Ben drove her at least half out of her mind.

Everybody Stands Up for Lucas

Everybody Stands Up for Lucas
Everybody Stands Up for Lucas

After Adams was offered the job at the Chicago heart institute, Catherine prepared to reveal whether he would have to repeat a year of training. Before she could, though, Simone got all of the interns to join her in threatening to quit if Lucas was assigned a do-over. What’s more, the database Derek’s nephew had gotten going to keep tabs on first responders so impressed Bailey that she stood with her residents.

Meredith Publishes Her Research

Meredith Publishes Her Research
Meredith Publishes Her Research

Rather than cave to Catherine’s demands, Meredith went public with her Alzheimer’s research. “You are just like your mother,” Catherine scoffed. “Great,” Grey replied. “That means I’ll win.” Waiting for Mer outside the hospital was Nick, who admitted that if she moved yet again, he’d probably follow her. He’d prefer not to do that for her, though. “I’d rather do it with you.” Swell, ’cause she’d just put an offer in on a house in Chestnut Hill.

In Other Developments

In Other Developments
In Other Developments

All of the residents passed the ABSITE test, with Lucas, of all people, earning the highest score. While Levi did fine, he didn’t do fine enough for a peds fellowship. He was going to have to rethink his entire future. Since Helm was about to take off on vacation abroad, she asked, “Wanna rethink it with me in Paris?” Given that Owen’s key card stopped working, it appeared that he’d been sacked along with his wife, Mer and Amelia. (Guess Catherine didn’t appreciate him telling her off for even thinking of keeping Teddy from pitching in to save Theo.) Finally, Winston and Monica’s one-night stand was clearly about to extend to at least two nights…

So, your thoughts on the season finale? And the season as a whole? Grade ’em both below, then hit the comments.

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