Hannah Brown discloses new detail about windmill sex and shocks Bachelor Nation

A lot went down during part one of the season finale of The Bachelorette. However, while Tuesday night's second half of the finale is supposed to be the most shocking finale in Bachelorette history, and what host Chris Harrison has described is "unlike any finale we've ever seen before," Monday's jaw-dropping moment happened when Hannah Brown revealed a new detail about her infamous windmill sex with Peter Weber.

In case you missed it, one month ago The Bachelorette aired a fiery promo in which Brown reveals to Luke Parker that she had sex in a windmill not once, but twice and "Jesus still loves" her. Images of a windmill became the new fan-favorite meme every week leading up to the actual episode, which not only aired the windmill fantasy suite, revealing that the contestant who got lucky was Weber, but also culminated in an explosive, yet satisfying, breakup between Brown and Parker. And on Monday, two months after those events, Brown decided Weber deserved even more credit.

"I will say, I was a little dishonest about something," announced Brown on-set of the Los Angeles studio. "Since it's out there, I did say there is something Peter and I did twice, it was actually four times." Yes, you read that correctly. They had sex in the windmill four times over one night!

The studio audience immediately exploded into laughter, cheers and applause.

Following the initial shock of Brown's juicy revelation, you might have thought: wait, weren't Weber's parents sitting right there on the sidelines? Yes. Yes, they were. So, what were their reactions?

Harrison pointed out, "By the way, Peter's mom is right there," and the camera panned over to Weber's mother, who was outwardly clapping and giving two thumbs up with a huge smile across her face. As for Weber's dad, he seemed very proud of his son, as any father would be.

A blushing Weber stated, “This is so weird," while Brown simply told Weber's parents, "He's a great catch.” Meanwhile, Harrison stated, "Somewhere, Luke P.'s head just exploded."

The major outburst of cheers didn't just happen in that studio, jaws dropped across the country and Bachelorette fans lit up Twitter. Here were some of the best tweets from Monday night:

The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

Check out the eliminated Luke P. getting shut down after crashing Hannah’s rose ceremony with a ring:

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