Her style wasn't the only reason 'Jeopardy!' fans love this contestant

On Thursday’s Jeopardy!, contestant Cindy Zhang really struck a nerve with viewers who loved her fashionable style. The user-experience designer from New York got off to a blazing start in the first round, and while her play was impressive, viewers were most impressed by her vibe.

Rocking fabulous blonde bangs, a black sheer-sleeved blouse, and oversized cat-eyed glasses, Zhang’s look was on point, and guess what, viewers noticed.

Viewers were also overly impressed with her signature, which appeared to be typed with serifs. One viewer tweeted, “Never mind the actual game, I want to know how Cindy on Jeopardy tonight wrote her name so perfectly, including serifs!” In fact, so many people commented on her handwriting that Zhang responded on her own Twitter account.

While Zhang got the Final Jeopardy! answer correct, she did not wager enough to beat contestant Sri Kompella. She explained the reason for her low wager on Twitter. Regardless, she won over fans with her overall awesomeness and love of Japanese Kit Kats... particularly the Okinawa sweet potato flavored ones.

“They have so many different regional varieties, and you can only get them in specific regions in train stations,” Zhang said. “So they range anywhere from, like, you know, green tea, like matcha, to soybeans, Cheetos.”

Jeopardy! is a syndicated program; visit Jeopardy.com or check your local listings for the TV schedule.

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