Jane Fonda reveals cancer is in remission after chemotherapy: 'I am feeling so blessed'

Jane Fonda is on her way to making a speedy recovery.

The Oscar-winning actress, who revealed in September that she had begun chemotherapy treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, shared that her illness is now in remission in a blog post Thursday.

“Last week I was told by my oncologist that my cancer is in remission and I can discontinue chemo,” Fonda wrote, adding that her last round of chemotherapy was “rough.” “I am feeling so blessed, so fortunate. I thank all of you who prayed and sent good thoughts my way. I am confident that it played a role in the good news.”

According to Mayo Clinic, non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system, in which white blood cells cause tumors throughout the body. Treatment can involve chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted drug therapy, immune cell engineering, a bone marrow transplant and immunotherapy.

Fonda’s announcement marks a quick health turnaround for the 84-year-old, who initially said her chemotherapy would last six months and that she was handling the treatment "quite well."

"This is a very treatable cancer," Fonda wrote on Instagram in September. "I feel very lucky."

Fonda also expressed gratitude for her health insurance and having "access to the best doctors and treatments" — something she knows many people with cancer don't have.

"I realize, and it’s painful, that I am privileged in this," she continued. "Almost every family in America has had to deal with cancer at one time or another and far too many don’t have access to the quality health care I am receiving and this is not right."

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“Last week I was told by my oncologist that my cancer is in remission and I can discontinue chemo,” Fonda wrote in December.
“Last week I was told by my oncologist that my cancer is in remission and I can discontinue chemo,” Fonda wrote in December.

What is non-Hodgkin lymphoma?: Is it curable? What to know after Jane Fonda's diagnosis

Despite her fluctuating health, the "Grace and Frankie" star isn’t missing a beat in her climate activism, sharing in a blog post that she recently attended a rally for her Fire Drill Fridays series, as well as spoke twice at the Democracy Alliance.

"Cancer is a teacher and I’m paying attention to the lessons it holds for me," Fonda wrote in September. "One thing it’s shown me already is the importance of community. Of growing and deepening one’s community so that we are not alone. And the cancer, along with my age --almost 85-- definitely teaches the importance of adapting to new realities."

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Contributing: Charles Trepany, USA TODAY

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Jane Fonda: Cancer in remission after non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis