Jeff Bridges's Dude will meet Sarah Jessica Parker's Carrie Bradshaw in epic Super Bowl ad

Are you ready for some football, and some late-’90s nostalgia? During Sunday’s Super Bowl, unlikely drinking buddies Carrie Bradshaw (of Sex and the City fame) and The Dude (as in the 1998 cult classic The Big Lebowski) will appear together in a commercial for the Belgian beer Stella Artois. The spot, made in partnership with Matt Damon‘s charity, will introduce Stella’s limited-time campaign to provide one month of clean water to the developing world for every beer sold. Want to know what Carrie and the Dude will be doing together? Read on for spoilers.

Jeff Bridges (as the Dude) and Sarah Jessica Parker (as Carrie Bradshaw) in Stella Artois’ Super Bowl commercial (Photo: Stella Artois)
Jeff Bridges (as the Dude) and Sarah Jessica Parker (as Carrie Bradshaw) in Stella Artois’ Super Bowl commercial (Photo: Stella Artois)

In the commercial, Sarah Jessica Parker‘s fashionable character will sidle up to a bar and order a Stella, rather than her usual Cosmo. This shocking choice creates an “uproar” at the bar, and “as the dust settles,” Jeff Bridges arrives in full Dude attire. He takes a seat and also orders a Stella, instead of his signature White Russian. The two characters toast to providing clean water, while Carrie silently evaluates whether the Dude is a bigger loser than Aidan. (OK, we made that last part up. But the non-Aidan parts are real.)

Both actors teased their characters’ reappearances on social media last week. Here’s the Insta post from Parker, which shows off Carrie’s sheer tulle shirt and Madonna-evoking white lace heels as the Sex and the City theme plays.

And here’s the tweet from Bridges, who chuckles at us from behind his Big Lebowski sunglasses as a tumbleweed rolls by.

The commercial will premiere during the Big Game on Feb. 3. Meanwhile, we couldn’t help but wonder: Does that rug really tie the room together?

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