Joe Buck goes against his family on ‘Celebrity Family Feud’ resulting in an epic fail

On Celebrity Family Feud Sunday, hall-of-fame sportscaster Joe Buck found out the hard way how not being a team player on the game show can end very badly.

Buck and his team, consisting of his wife, sister and two daughters, were in a close game against the opposing team, featuring actor Oliver Hudson and some of his friends. The Buck family had a chance to steal and win the game with the survey question: Name a woman in your life who’s smarter than you. And that’s when things started to go bad for Buck.

With the answers “my bae,” “my mom” and “my sister” already on the board, the Buck family came to a consensus for what the fourth and final answer could be. But after the patriarch delivered the answer, “my best friend,” the rest of his family seemed confused.

After host Steve Harvey ran the answer up the board to discover that it wasn’t there, he asked everyone what they thought it was. That’s when Buck’s daughter, Natalie, spoke up.

“It’s ‘boss,’ we were going to say ‘boss.’ But he—,” she said, shaking her finger at her father.

The only way things could have gotten worse for Buck at that point, is if “my boss” was on the board, which he begged for it not to be. But sure enough, there it was, much to his family’s dismay.

“I’m so mad,” Natalie said, with Joe’s wife, Michelle, adding, “Steve, we were literally in the huddle and had all agreed on ‘boss.’”

Viewers watching on Twitter definitely seemed to enjoy the moment more than the Buck family did, and Joe actually Tweeted himself, explaining what happened.

And while Joe may have claimed it was a blast, his family’s reaction on the show told a different story.

“I am so mad,” his daughter Natalie said. “I'm in pain.”

Celebrity Family Feud airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

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