John Oliver eviscerates Trump's early morning tweet defending Don Jr.

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver discussed the involvement of the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., with Russia and how it pertains to the 2016 election. There have been allegations that Trump Jr. colluded with the Russian government in tampering with the 2016 presidential election.

Oliver responded to the Washington Post report that President Trump is worried that “Trump Jr. inadvertently may have wandered into legal -jeopardy.” Oliver said, “That seems plausible, to be honest. On the long list of ‘things Don Jr. Is likely to wander into,’ ‘legal jeopardy’ is right up there with ‘the women’s dressing room’ and ‘a screen door.'”

Sunday morning, President Trump took to Twitter to defend his son against the allegations:

Astonished by what the president was admitting, Oliver said, “There is so much wrong there, from the fact it undermines the excuse, he supposedly dictated, that this meeting was about Russian adoptions, to claiming he didn’t know about it, and if he did, nothing happened, and if it wasn’t, he didn’t know about it.”

While there may be some legal repercussions for the president, what shocked Oliver most was the audacity of Trump’s adjectives. “Perhaps the most galling lie in there is describing Donald Jr. as a ‘wonderful son.’ I mean, that is just flagrantly false. He’s barely even the most wonderful Donald Trump.”

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver airs Sundays at 11 p.m. on HBO.

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