Johnny Galecki and Mayim Bialik Reenact Their Teenage Kiss From ‘Blossom’

The cast of The Big Bang Theory was on Conan, where the late night host brought up some old history between stars Johnny Galecki and Mayim Bialik. When the two were 14, they shared an on-screen kiss on the show Blossom, of which Bialik was the star. It was the first on-camera kiss for both of them, and as Bialik says, “It might have been my first real-life kiss also.”

Conan showed a photo of the smooch, revealing their smooth ’90s style. This prompted co-star Kunal Nayyar to put the pair on the spot by screaming, “Do it again!” Bialik was quick to decline the idea, and after some friendly banter and more questions they cut to a commercial break. Viewers would not be disappointed, however: After returning from the break, the entire cast was locking lips, including Bialik and Galecki, giving us the Blossom kiss we all wanted.

Check out Conan’s latest ‘Clueless Gamer’ segment with PewDiePie:

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