Jon Cryer Shares Epic Saga of How He Lost (and Found!) His Wedding Ring: 'I Panicked'

Jon Cryer's tale of losing (and finding!) his wedding band is like a scene straight out of a movie.

When the Two and a Half Men actor, 55, was walking in the rain in Vancouver along the ocean, he pulled his hand out of his pocket to realize his wedding band was missing and "panicked," he shared in a lengthy Twitter thread.

"I looked around trying to see if something was glinting on the pavement. But it was raining and there were only a few lamp post with working lights. So nothing. I pulled out my phone and turned on my flashlight. Not much, but worth a try," Cryer said.

Since it was dark, Cryer tried his hardest to scour the wet pavement using his flashlight to try and find the ring, but wasn't successful. "My wife and I have been married for since 2007 and it’s hard to be away from each other. With quarantine in effect I can’t travel back and forth to see her while I’m shooting. Which sucks spectacularly. Losing my ring is making the pain more acute," he explained.

Eventually he starts looking through the wet grass, but still comes up empty-handed. "I’m drenched now. And late to meet my friends," the star said. "I give up. I’m despondent."

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At sunrise the next morning, Cryer returns to begin his search again. "It is again difficult to place exactly where the ring fell off. I can’t remember which lamppost I was close to. The pavement is pretty clean (thankfully) but there are a lot of crevices along the sea wall," he tweeted.

While he thought he saw the band glimmering along a strip of glass, upon closer inspection Cryer realized it was only a pair of lost glasses. At this point, he returns home and puts the ring in the lost-and-found section on Craigslist.

However, when he's posting his Craiglist listing, he discovers a network of people who specialize in finding lost rings, called The Ring Finders. Cryer shoots them an email and is contacted by one of the employees.

"I’m contacted by Chris. He tells me it could be very tough. When you’re dealing with a paved walkway that is well traveled its likely somebody already found it. But he can come out the next day with his metal detector," Cryer said.

He continued: "Next day we meet up and he’s already been to location to check it out. He is not optimistic. Says this will probably be a 'closure search'. In other words, a search that will likely be fruitless, but will at least allow me to know that I’ve tried everything."

The duo checks the pavement, the grass and near the sea but again, still find no sign of Cryer's wedding band.

But then, Cryer's Ring Finder Chris said, "Hey wait, can I ask you a question?"

Cryer said: "He leans down and grips a wad of grass from the ground. As he pulls a few stray blades from the clump he asks: 'Is this what your ring looks like?' He wipes the clump, revealing a glint of silver. I’m stunned. Chris’ face lights up. He’s taking video of the reveal. He loves this s---. I stammer out 'Are you serious?!?' I look closer."

Chris pulled out the ring straight out of the wad of grass about three yards from where Cryer found the glasses, which left the actor "beside himself."

"He says that @TheRingFinders are all over and they really love doing this for a living because it just makes people so happy. And he’s not wrong," Cryer said.

The hilarious escapade left Ben Stiller and Nick Kroll jumping at the opportunity to turn the story into a movie.

Stiller tweeted, "This has already been optioned as a premium limited series by @nickkroll. I’m looking into the musical rights."