Jordin Sparks: ‘My Brunches Are Dry — at Least for Me!’


Jordin Sparks (Photo: Getty Images)

Just when you thought brunch couldn’t get any better, C?roc vodka created the 2016 Women of Empowerment brunch series — and may have actually succeeded at improving the world’s most perfect meal.

As part of the program, which honors 100 women who are making a difference in the world (including celebs like Jordin Sparks, Billions star Malin Akerman, and The Real co-host Jennie Mai), more than 150 special brunches will take place in cities across the U.S. The series kicks off on Jan. 30 and continues through International Women’s Day on March 8.

It probably goes without saying that Sparks was thrilled to be included in this select group of powerful women, but you might be surprised to hear why. Though she was quick to tell Yahoo Celebrity that she’s “always been about encouraging young people, especially young women,” she revealed that she’s personally never really had any notable experiences with women trying to bring her down. (She might be the only woman in Hollywood to say that.)

“It’s funny, I’ve never actually encountered any mean girl issues,” she explained. “I’m not like that. I always feel like there’s room for everyone, so I never see things that way.” She paused for a moment before adding, “I’ve probably encountered it and just didn’t realize it.”


(Photo: Getty Images)

Since Jordin is hosting one of the brunches, we had to ask her about, well, brunch. Turns out the singer’s brunch style is on the tame side — because she’s a busy girl with things to do! “I’m definitely more of a morning person,” she noted. “So I like to have brunch on the earlier side.” Also, please hold the booze. Though this particular brunch series is sponsored by C?roc, the singer admitted, “My brunches are dry — at least for me!” But she hardly expects everyone to follow her lead. “Listen, if my friends come and they want to enjoy something, please, let them put a little C?roc in their Bloody Marys!” That’s the spirit.

As for food, Jordin’s really an equal opportunist between savory and sweet. “I’m definitely a breakfast person, so I love the eggs and the bacon and waffles and pancakes and quiche and crispy hash browns and biscuits and gravy,” she lists. “Err, all the heavy stuff.” (Hey, at least she’s not drinking.)

Growing up, brunches were really a family affair for the star. “On a Sunday, we’d usually all go after church so it was the entire family,” she shared. These days, she mixes up her brunch crew between family outings, business meetings, and hang time with the girls. When she has brunch with her family, though, the conversation is pretty much all about one topic: her niece. “She’s going to be 2 ? pretty soon and it’s funny because when I’m home, the three of us — my brother, my sister-in-law, and myself — are always around my niece, but then when we go out, all we talk about is everything she did as if we weren’t there to see it the first time. All of us already know all the stories, but we can’t stop reliving them.”


Jordin with her sweet niece at a Cardinals game. (Photo: Instagram)

She does, however, admit that the conversation sometimes turns toward football. (ICYDK, Jordin’s father, Phillippi Dwain Sparks, is a former NFL player.) As for the Super Bowl, it hurts Sparks to talk about it. “I wanted the Cardinals but we got beaten so badly,” lamented the Arizona native. “But I love Peyton Manning, my entire family are huge fans of his because he seems like a great leader and a great guy both on and off the field — but I do think the Panthers are going to win. But making me say that makes me hurt!”