Kate Middleton Stars in Powerful PSA for Children's Mental Health Week

Kate Middleton is the star of a new PSA urging adults to help children be the “best versions of themselves.”

In the clip, Kate says, “Childhood is the time when we explore our personalities, discover the potential that lies within us and learn how to be ourselves. Our experience of the world at this early stage helps to shape who we become as adults, how we begin to feel comfortable in our own skin.”

“Some children will be facing tougher challenges than others, but I firmly believe that while we cannot change their circumstances, we can ensure that every child is given the best possible support to ensure they fulfill their true potential. This is best achieved when we, the adults in their lives, work together to give children the emotional strength they need to face their futures and thrive,” Kate explains.

Continuing, she adds, “When we are open and honest with each other about the challenges we face, we can work together to ensure the children in our care have the chance to become the best version of themselves.”

Kate, who was reunited with her children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, when she and Prince William returned from four days in Sweden and Norway on Friday night, made the PSA during her visit to the Reach Academy Feltham, London, last month.

There, she heard about Place2Be’s work in the school, and chatted with two students — Lauren and Sophia — a mother of two named Mandy, and Principal Ed Vainker.

The charity says that low self-esteem affects more than eight in 10 of the pupils who receive Place2Be’s one-to-one support, but when children are supported to have a positive view of themselves it can have a real impact on their confidence and can help them cope with life’s challenges.

“We know that some children find it difficult to think of themselves positively, as it’s all too easy nowadays to compare ourselves negatively to others, especially online,” Catherine Roche, the chief executive of Place2Be, said in a statement.

“This Children’s Mental Health Week we are encouraging everyone, and especially children and young people, to focus on what makes them who they are, and to celebrate their unique qualities and strengths,” she added.